Would anybody know where I can buy a very good soil ph tester. I have bought 3 in the past all from China of course and all 3 of them don’t read any ph less than 7. I’m a little perplexed. Thanks for any help
Apera and Bluelab both make quality meters. I use an Apera PC60 that measures both pH and PPM.
Thank you
My BlueLab soil pH probe works well too. I used it a lot more early on before I had everything dialed in.
I looked at the those direct soil ph meters, and the reviews on everyone’s brands were not very good. It seems this might be a bad way to do this. Also most of these meters do not have a probe that is long enough. A slurry test with soil taken at different levels will be most reliable method.
Get a quality pH tester like an Aphera or Blue Lab and go to YouTube a look up “Slurry Test”
This is the best way to determine the soil condition.
Yes, those are crap.
This is what I have:
I use an Extech 500 for my liquid PH measurements
@Myfriendis410 was my link incorrect? Sorry about that. Thanks for fixing it.
Have you ever compared that Bluelab soil meter to a slurry test? I be interested in how much difference there would be. I can’t ever get two meters or tests to ever agree 100%, but if there are close I am happy.
I get about the same readings (+/- .2 or so) with slurry compared to the Blue Labs.
That said, if I were to do it over, I would stick with the slurry tests just to save the money.
Sounds fairly close. I am sure it is easier than a slurry. But I need to admit, I haven’t tested soil since very early on. Learned by going in at 6.5 makes everything work out just fine. But of course, that’s with a good ph balanced soil.
No; we have an affiliation with Amazon but add our own suffix to the link. Just one of those things us Mods have to do.
Whew! Thanks again…