Testing soil with a tester that works

Would anybody know where I can buy a very good soil ph tester. I have bought 3 in the past all from China of course and all 3 of them don’t read any ph less than 7. I’m a little perplexed. Thanks for any help

Apera and Bluelab both make quality meters. I use an Apera PC60 that measures both pH and PPM.


Thank you

My BlueLab soil pH probe works well too. I used it a lot more early on before I had everything dialed in.

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I looked at the those direct soil ph meters, and the reviews on everyone’s brands were not very good. It seems this might be a bad way to do this. Also most of these meters do not have a probe that is long enough. A slurry test with soil taken at different levels will be most reliable method.

If you are talking about one these, they are crap. They will read soil moisture but that is all.

Get a quality pH tester like an Aphera or Blue Lab and go to YouTube a look up “Slurry Test”
This is the best way to determine the soil condition.

Yes, those are crap.
This is what I have:

I use an Extech 500 for my liquid PH measurements

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@Myfriendis410 was my link incorrect? Sorry about that. Thanks for fixing it.

Have you ever compared that Bluelab soil meter to a slurry test? I be interested in how much difference there would be. I can’t ever get two meters or tests to ever agree 100%, but if there are close I am happy.

I get about the same readings (+/- .2 or so) with slurry compared to the Blue Labs.

That said, if I were to do it over, I would stick with the slurry tests just to save the money.

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Sounds fairly close. I am sure it is easier than a slurry. But I need to admit, I haven’t tested soil since very early on. Learned by going in at 6.5 makes everything work out just fine. But of course, that’s with a good ph balanced soil.

No; we have an affiliation with Amazon but add our own suffix to the link. Just one of those things us Mods have to do.


Whew! Thanks again…

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