What are the temps to dry the plants? my closet temps are 57f and 70rh i should be able to dry in there correct? and when curing in jars do i just put the jars in the closet? and burp for how many days and leave them in the jar for how long? - Im close to harvesting so just wanna get it out the way!
How do ik when the plants are ready to be trimmed and put in jars. do the stems have to snap?
I’ve had two grows so I’m not at advanced level of growing. I keep my temps during dry at 70 to 75f. Can’t say 57f is to low not completely sure. I keep humidity at 50 to 55%. I believe 70% is a little to high. As far as letting stems get dry where they snap, I believe is a little to dry. You want them to bend and essentially break where they don’t come completely apart. I like to wet trim, some people like to dry trim. Either way once you put in jars you want to be sure not to over pack jars leave a little space in jar. You’ll want to burp at least twice a day. Main thing is don’t let buds get to dry to quick. Some people will purchase small RH meters to put in jars. You can get them fairly cheap on Amazon. I don’t know how much you need to dry and cure but if it is a large amount you might want to consider going with 1/2 gallon jars. I got some at Walmart.
yeah gotta purchase some jars soon and appreciate the help
Keep checking on your question people with more experience will be able to maybe give you some better advice. The methods I’ve described is the way that I’ve dried and cured and haven’t had any issues. At 3 to 4 weeks you should be close to being fully cured
66 to 70 degrees hanging in a dark place 8 to 10 days would be a nice slow dry , 50 humidity would be good. You try to stay away from real high humidity during drying could cause mold. Good luck finishing up.
I’d aim for 60f/60rh, and hang them in the dark for 14 days in that state. Then I’d jar them and check frequently for humidity spikes. Once they seem stable at 62% RH, I’d cure them for 2 months minimum. Obviously I’d sample along the way, but I wouldn’t call it done for months.
Edit: while they are drying, air circulation is important. I wouldn’t skimp on environmental controls for this stage.
so i should be able to dry good no problem?
ill see if i can aim for that if not then ima have to dry wit my current F and rh i believe everything should be good imo and yes i have a fan in there i will have the door closed or should i have the door slightly opened? and 2 months??? i need to cure for that long?
When circulating air don’t blow directly on the product. I agree with @KeystoneCops long cure process the better it gets . I always go at least 30 days before I try it. The smell an aroma really comes out.
what if i dont smoke it ? and do other stuff with it ? does it still gotta be a while ?
Need to? No. Like I mentioned, I’d sample along the way. Once you’ve hit a stable humidity, around 60% in jars, enjoy your flowers as needed. If I could wait, I would.
The question is, do you have enough flower now to tide you over until the curing is done? Can you harvest enough now to tide you over 6 months (3 months of grow, 3 months of drying/curing?
I only need a gram or two per week; You know how much you actually need. I’ll throw out there that a vaporizer was a wonderful investment that has paid for itself many times over. There’s basically no waste. I’ve heard smoking effectively delivers just 25% of the actual cannabinoid content.
i think i should be fine drying in this current stage im in once its time to harvest. and i was thinking of getting rh packs to put inside the jars. but i dont really know
That I’m not sure about. If you intend to extract, I’d ask someone like @blackthumbbetty about harvesting for your specific extraction process. That’s just not something I know much about. Are you clear on what you want to do (tincture, rosin/resin, butter, etc) or are you just trying to reduce harvest to ingestion, @408stoner ?
That’s a tough call. I have no experience with the Boveda products, but I’ve heard that sometimes they have a negative impact because they imbue a “chemical” flavor. That’s anecdotal, and third hand. I’ve heard more positive reviews of the Integra humidity packs, but again… anecdotal and third hand.
no i meant to say like in other words to “sell it” yk? not for personal use or anything thats why i was wondering how long to cure
and oh i see i prob won’t buy them then ill do some research on them later on.
Well, the four medical producers in my state don’t seem to care about curing the flowers, and they command $10-14/gram
i see ill prob cure for like 1 week or so or maybe not cure at all. appreciate the help alot! hopefully it all works out for me and as i mentioned above should i keep my door completely closed or leave a crack so air comes out ?
Do what you need to do to keep the RH and temperature in the right range, while keeping light out.