I noticed this on the very top of my gorilla cookies plant. It didn’t jar it with the rest being this is my first harvest and I have never seen it look like this before. Tell me it’s nothing so I can put it in the jar and enjoy it. Thanks for your help.
Sorry 2 say but looks like mold friend
Looks like bud mold. I threw out about half of a plants harvest on my last grow. However the first half I had already trimmed up is still fine, but I would not smoke that!
My question is…how does that happen?
Humidity too high during flower, drying or curing, hate seeing that Grow Bro but don’t risk it and I would give all the others a good look
I’m glad I sat it to the side. It was the main cola and the biggest part too. This was my first grow so I’m learning and glad I asked. thank you
That looks like either mold from trying to cure it before it’s fully dry, failing to burp it, even if it is mostly dry, or if you had spider mites, you could’ve had babies that are throwing webs, but I don’t think so
You could try bathing the budz in a solution of water and baking soda. Just soak the buzz in the solution. It’s a 1 to 10 mixture and try to use a toothbrush or some thing and brush it off. If it doesn’t come right off on its own and then rinse dry cure assuming the mold is released. Typically this will kill mildew and mold.
Open the bud up and check the inside, that looks like mold
What @OGIncognito said.
Break them open and make sure middle is not brown.
Like this.
I lost power for 3 days at 10 weeks into flower. No fans or lights. RH was high 90’s for them days. Lost every top bud. I got to keep more than I tossed though.

It can even set in with a lot of rain, and then if ur buds don’t get a chance to dry out all the way during subsq growth, (of course, during drying/cure) they can start developing botytis spores