Tangerine Dream Plant Issue

First time grower here. Im seeing some Yellowish/brown spots on some if the upper leaves. She is on week 9 “Day 58”. Any ideas and/or help would be most appreciated.

Tangerine Dream Autoflower from ILGW
27"x27"x62" Tent
Sf-1000 led light with a 18/6 schedule
4 inch exhaust inline fan with carbon filter
4 inch intake fan
6 inch clip fan
Fabric pot and growing medium is from apotforpot.
Average temp range 77.5. Range 72-81
Average RH 58.2. Range 47-60
1.0-1.25 gallon distilled water every 3-4 days
6.1-6.5 PH
Light defoliation twice. 2 weeks apart.
Used some LST. However being the first time it wasn’t great.

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If you’re only using distilled water you’ll need to start adding CalMag. Distilled has zero vitamins and nutes.

Also what nutrient lines are you using?


Add cal-mag next watering.As @Underthestairs mentioned distilled water has no minerals. Also check PPM runoff to adjust feeding.

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Minerals was the word I was looking for… wake and bake. Not always great for my internal thesaurus


No extra nutrients. The potforpot was supposed to have everything from seed to flower.

Understood. Those brown spots are showing calcium deficiency. I’d go for CalMag (at least every other watering) and pH to 6.5 when you water. Those leaves won’t recover but look to healthy ones to be sure it isn’t spreading. Good luck


Awesome. Thank you very much. Any specific brand or kind I should look for? Should I remove those leaves or let them be?

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The plant will get rid of them naturally. I’d pull them off they look soggy at any point. I used the CANNA brand before I started using the Jack’s 321, but that’s only because it’s the brand my local hydro store had when I needed it.

You’re welcome. Keep it up!

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I have used botanicare an Fox Farm Cal Mag both do a good job. They do have different dosage.

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I used some cal mag on Friday when I watered.i have 2 questions.

  1. Do I use just 9nce or with each watering now?
  2. The plant kind of changed. Some pistils are turning red/brown. Is this usual? She is on day 61.
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So I use a plant food that has those in it… which means I don’t actually have a great answer here. I’ve read in many journals when it’s discussed that people will CalMag every non feed watering. But let’s tag in a few people that can help @Myfriendis410 @Covertgrower

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Thanks you. I appreciate you taking the time to help. :grin:

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Pistils changing color to Amber is normal they will also received back into the bud in time.
Good luck


Pistils turning orange is normal, cal-mag should be added every feeding, or every other feeding.


Thank you everyone for your help.

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