Problem with leafs

Hello everyone I have a question? What can be wrong with my plant? The fan leafs are turning rough and brown and is spreading fas on that plant. Crazy thing is I have four white widows and all the 3 oldest don’t have it but number 4 dose. They all drink the same amount of ferts so what could it be?

Looks cal mag deficient. Best guess from what I see in the pictures. No clue what medium your in, or what your feeding.


Does this look familiar. Calcium deficiency. :+1:


I’m just using fox farm ocean forest soil with iguana juice organic big bloom been using it for 4 weeks 4 days. How could I reverse that calcium deficiencie?

Yesss but it’s worse and spreading fast

Ph could be a factor too, it looks like it could sucking up too much notrogen due to the super dark leaves? That may cause lock out of other need things? Your other plants may follow soon? Do you know the run off ph and input ph?
I kinda always start with ph if all things are equal. Then look at nutes, then environment. Because by now that plant has more than likely exhausted most of the food that came with the soil. So you have to start thinking of it more like a medium thana complete soil product.


@Cannabian I’ve been feeding them distilled water which I think last time I checked it, it was I think 6.80 up to 7 I’m not for sure because I stoped testing the water a while ago because o thought is was doing good but I never checked the run off because I have fabric pots and all the water just seeps out the side but never thought of checking it.

Looks like calcium deficiency to me as well.


Always check…one day my water can have a 8.3 pH and the next day be at 6.59 pH. This is just filtered tap water from a municipality. So its not regulated by the Texas Water Board. This means crappy water and since its exempt from the TWB, they could legally charge us $10,000 a gallon and be legal. Grrrr.

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I didn’t I had to keep checking ph for bottled water I thought it’s was all the same ph from the same company

I just checked this brand new gallon and it was pushing out 5.50 ph. This is the same water sense they were born

Thats why I said to always check. It can go from one side and head the opposite way n a drop of a dime.

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I’m pretty sure almost everyone uses fabric pots from what I’ve seen 6.8 to 7 pH is a bit high for soil I see most people pH to 6.5 and distilled water has fluctuations because there’s not much in the water but and if your using distilled Everytime that would be why you have cal mag deficiency


I just started growing in a 15 gallon fabric pots. Plant looks pretty big for an Auto. The buckets are nice but I need more space for root development. :+1:


My soil ph is not a 7 that’s what I thought my water was at but I just did a test and this gallon tested 5.50 I have never checked the ph of my soil I just don’t know how and two I didn’t say there was a problem with fabric pot I’m just trying to understand how to collect the run off if it’s just Leaking out the sides not from the bottom

How I collect. I use my Turkish Coffee Pot and will flood the plant with 1 gallon pH water not higher than 6.5.
I don’t start collecting right off the bat. I will let is drain some then collect. I make sure its off the tent floor so I sit the bucket on a set of three. Water, collect and test as I said before.

A bowl…pan…cup…you are only limited by your imagination. :+1:

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So what should I do because I just watered them yesterday so should I wait till they need to be fed again to test and two I have well water so what’s the best water I should use/switch to?

So distilled water is bad is what yous saying?

Can be if you don’t supplement calcium and magnesium because those are both filtered out.


Yeah I would wait till next watering. Then test…post results and go from there. :+1:

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So could I buy some Calcium and magnesium
To add into there?