Hey all- LSD auto flowers i started indoors - looked great this morning noticed these weird brownish spots - took pictures with digital micro - looked like raised tan blotches - any advice ?? removed the 2 leaves with the weirdness but …geeezzz just getting this cop going
Welcome back @jane1
First thought is pests. Check the front and back side of the leaves for anything odd. They can be very very small so scan slowly with magnification.
Next thought goes to a deficiency, maybe calcium. Try adding some Cal-Mag with next watering.
Watering may be an issue as well. Plastic pots do not drain well and can “drown” cannabis very easily. Best results are with fabric planters and a “drench and drought” watering cycle where you let the soil dry severely then slowly drench until completely wet throughout.
As a side note, it looks like they are wanting much more light.
It’s not related to the spots, but you do need to give them more light.
The first 3 pics look like mold. A spray with a dilute mix of peroxide/water will take care of it.
just moved to kitchen counter for photo .
It’s not the light present in the photo that concerns the respondents, it’s the spacing distance between plant nodes that tells us that the plant isn’t getting enough light. What are you using to light them?
Plants that are getting adequate light are more compact, like so:
If your light is big enough then it may need to be closer to the plant tops.
Do you move your plants in to the sun durring the day, it just looks a little sun burnt to be honest nothing to worry about as long as it dosnt spread
And just so ya know under magnified lense looks exactly the sam as you’re problem everything looks crazy up close
i do put them in the sun during the day - waiting for night temp to come up a bit before putting them outside - one summer i had great success- last summer was a nightmare with PM - neem oil destroyed them . not completely sure what to try this summer - alot of conflicting information . Never had pest issues its the PM that is a problem . Hot humid summers on long island . and flower at the change of season end of august is always tough
Use captain jacks, not the neem oil one if in flower. its on amazon 13 bucks a bottle no mixing needed should do the trick. But dont worry bout the sun burn she will be fine just rotate them a little bit throughout the day
And no im not trying to make nobody money its just what works for me. Iv given half my harvest out side time and time again and im talking pounds of outdoor eaten by caterpillars