Switched to 12/12 light cycle

New grower looking for feedback. I switched the light cycle to 12/12 yesterday. Before the switch I lollipoped and defoliated all three plants.

Growing photo GG#4 (all) in a 2x4 tent, 1000w (150w actual) mars hydro LED, in 3 gal fabric pots, using FF Ocean Forest and FF Trio nutes.

Here are the pics, did I take too much off or looks about right, any advise would be appreciated.


Looks good… now just sit back and enjoy the ride


Looking good ! :+1: :v:

I would give the axe to the secondary branches that now only reach mid height of the plant. It will be a full tent and the big colas on top will appreciate the space and extra nutrients.
Looks about as to leave removal.


look good, nice and healthy

I second this. You could remove more! You’ll be very surprised by how much these girls will explode in growth after switching to flower.


looks like your girls are doing marvelous. If you can look from the top and see your dirt you are good. Just keep the lower branches cleaned. will make good stacked colas up top.

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Thank you everyone for your input, much appreciated. :v: :grin:

Looks great good job