Suspected Hermie

This is something that new growers seem to miss a lot. If you have seeds in your weed those buds were pollinated by something. Sometimes it’s a male plant, but sometimes it’s from a hermaphrodite. Anything breed with genetic hermaphrodite will be good chance the seeds will carry hermaphrodite trait.

Sorry dude, hopefully the remaining plants are good to go.


Back in the day had my own strain developed over 5 years. Grown on southern slope of mountain in BlackBerry bushes and a Rothwellier as a watch dog. Not many males but one that some said was the best weed they ever smoked( yes male tops, which was used to cross with native female for first PA hybrid. I have stories that I could go on and on but, xanax and tramadol is kicking end so I bid the ILGM folks goodnite.

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I have a few bagseed alongside my peyote critical and blue dream flowering now and they’re just as big and vigorous. Not all bagseed are bad but seeds are cheap enough. I get more excited when I know exactly what I’m growing.

@sandman1 that sounds awesome I’d love to grow outside , Florida climate just isn’t great for it. Plus no land, no privacy. I suppose I could tresspass but too risky been to jail enough already tbh.

This was back in 80s and had 9 acres of land. Some got 10 f tall and I would start them inside under lights first of Feburary and put out when ground warmed up. They would go into flowering as early as end of July. Grew also by creek until had flood and that year lost strain. Plant should be legal for anyone to grow for own use. Medical grade for patients especially. I would let hermie grow back in the 80s, but not today.

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The bag seed that I grew out were beasts. Easy to grow and healthy… but then came the balls…so many balls. :soccer::tennis::basketball::volleyball::football::rugby_football::baseball::softball::8ball: