Male,female,or both

I need someone’s help. Looking at one of my plants in flower. And i see hairs and balls coming out. Is this male and female plant. It’s been in flower for 3 weeks.any advice would really help…

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@Bnunu they sure look like nuts to me I’m sorry for your loss if you have a way to separate it from your other plants if you have other plants if you have that option otherwise I would not risk pollinating the other girls


@Bnunu you can always separate it and still grow it and just see if it is Hermi it may still grow buds but you’ll have seeds if it was me personally I break out the chainsaw


I concur with @Hogmaster , sure look like a hermaphrodite, sorry for the bad news :frowning_with_open_mouth:


@Niala I was just get ready call a few of you guys up to take a peek and concur or disagree


@Paranorman @garrigan62 @Capt_Seeweed @Countryboyjvd1971 @Majiktoker @Matthew420 @MacGyverStoner @latewood thought you guys should concur if these are nuts or not we all know what we would do with it but I’d like more feedback for this gentleman


Thanks i thought so just wanted to be sure. And really didn’t want to believe it. I it away from my females. Not sure what I’m ging to do with it. Thanks again

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Lol. Not sure what I’m going to do just yet. But the chainsaw is on standby.

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Separate it for now some of the other people I tagged in the post can give you a better idea of what you can do with it when I’ve had this issue before as long as it grew buds I made oil and waxes out of it But I’ve only had this issue on my outdoor grows if it happened to me on my indoor grow I would have no choice but to chop it down because of the temperatures outside


I also concur with @Hogmaster and @Niala look like a hermi :frowning:
You cuould do as @Hogmaster suggests and pull it out of main grow room
And let it grow you’ll get something out of it you could use for edibles and what not like hogmaster said :+1:


Okay. That’s what i had in mind maybe butter or oils like you said. Try something new to me.


@Bnunu Well I know you are not a smoker I have many recipes for many different things for the people you want to help with your bro if you have any questions feel free to ask I will do my best to help you with the knowledge I have best of luck and feel free to contact me with any questions

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Thanks. Will do. At least it’s not a total loss. Thanks

Sorry, but I agree with the consensus. The plant is hermaphrodite


Hermaphrodite for sure


Thank you everyone I knew it was but it sure makes the person with the Issue feel better to hear it from more than one person thank you all for the fast response


Really appreciate that bro. Each one teach one. one person at a time. Have a good one. Will pick your brain later. Have a good one bro

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Hermaphrodite ??


I see pistils, I see bananas. Hermie. Pick all the male flowrs and monitor for a few days. Maybe you will be able to grow it out.

If the male pollen sacks keep popping up; Cull that plant or risk pollen everywhere. Keep in mind that if the buds get pollinated; The plant will spend it’s life growing seeds and not THC