First attempt at a clone. Started from a photo BubbleGum from ilgm. 5weeks from seed she was 8nodes high. Topped her down to 5. Cleaned up the stem of the cutting, trimmed the top leaves. Lightly scraped the stem with a razor blade and split stem about half inch up and stuck in prepared pencil size hole in soil. Day 7 today. What are the odds?
@Hellraiser what do you think?
Ya never know, look for new growth, that will be a sign that things are looking up.
I’ll be following
Cover it with a clear dome of some sort to keep the moisture in. I’ve seen me using a plastic bag. Put the pot inside and loosely tie the top. Lightly mist the plant before you tie it and it should be ok
Been domed since day 1. I’m thinking day 10or12 it will come off. I tugged on the stem gently and it feels like it may be rooted already
@Newbiegrower251 I need u to come by
Call me
@Newbiegrower251 my phone is off
I knew that lol…yall gonna be there for a while?
Kids are getting ready now, I’m a little behind them lol moving slow this morning? Need me to bring anything?
You know it lol
We’ll be on the way soon
Headed your way @Oldschool82
You will see the leaves perking up. Sounds like you’re all over this