Takes a bit to get more roots back out. After there’s enough roots, you’ll see growth up top all around.
I did it 2 days ago. Still looks ok. I been reading cloning on here and did the 45 degree cut and put slits on the cut and used root hormone from walmart and misting them with super thrive and have a dome over them. Hope it works. Never thought ide even attempt cloning but i like learning new things
As i read, i have to feed it after it roots? And before or after transplant
You won’t have any roots for 7-10 days. During this fine frame, they can only absorb through their leaves. You did right by keeping it domed.
After roots are there, feed it the same as you would a fully mature vegging plant. This cutting will transition to flowering faster than the original plant did, because it’s mature.
Do clones flower just as good?
Usually, and you’ll know how much they stretch, and they’ll transition faster.
Should be very simular to just like the Mother, mother female the clone will be too! Set to watching, they look good to me.
Cool thanks. I have a super skunk that just popped up too. Hoping this ends up being my best grow yet. I harvested early once thensecond time had to chop a cheese autoflower down early cause of moving to new place with my now ex girl. And that auto was a qp dried being premature and let my 3rd which was gold leaf go all the way but i neglected it so much and was just a straight long bud but was dense and got 34 grams off it so this grow now imma do thing completely right and let it fully mature. Will be posting as i go
U think its rotted if new leaves is comin up?
Thats a good sign that its beginning to root, give it 10 or so days then transplant. My opinion.
10 days from when you put it in the cup! Not from now:
Oh ok cool. So it takes in water from the leaves right now?
Correct, until the roots are big enough to do it. But new leafs growing is a good sign in my opinion
@Chasworks is topping a second time worth it? Cant find accurate info on it and never done that
For indoor plants i go with 4x! 1 makes 2 tops, 2 make 4 and so on up too 8 tops! But any where in between is good. My opinion. Wake n bake!