Super food for week 6-8?

Hello ladies and gents with pretty ladies hidden away from the world.
Looking for top buys when it comes to that week 6 stacking on mad bud weight, I’ve heard there are some really amazing nutes out there to help with this and I’m just looking for your experience with bla bla nutrient or bud booster or whatever you like to call it. Much love as always, thanks in advance.


Have you checked out ILGM’s line on nutrients? I believe a couple of the MODs here have some experience this them.

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As much as I love ILGM that’s very, very pricey

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I think unless it’s designed for weed it’s crap first off. Second there all pretty much the same , or your gonna get about the same yeaild no matter what. Instead of nutes I would focus on environment and Ph. Get that perfect and you’ll grow bigger buds than any body no matter your nute line name brand or not.

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Some people use sugar and such, and I’m not so sure… I mean I know environment is 80% of it but some boosters in week 6 comparison videos are pretty interesting. I’ll just get something cheap anyway, cheers bro