Grow tents have screened areas on bottom of sidewalls to let air in… my question is won’t this let in light as well??? So are these screened areas only used during lights on times than closed up when lights go off??? Seems counterintuitive to me. What am I missing here???
Mine don’t have screens but I get your point. I’ve enclosed my ports in boxes and duct tape before to allow airflow yet still block light during the off hours.
I run my tent door wide open. All vents to the tent is also wide open. The bedroom door is also wide open. Lots of light leaks and I have never had a single issue.
You do that during flower???
Not all tents were designed with cannabis in mind. A lot of people use them for veggies, flowers and herbs. Plants that couldn’t care less about light leaks. They’re just passive intake vents for the non-cannabis grower
That’s not a bad fix. Forced air intake is an option but I like the “box” idea.
Yup…I never close the doors. I’m the oddball.
I have an 6" AC Infinity blowing air in one of my tents through flex duct. It takes care of the light problem all together.
That makes sense. Didn’t consider that. So I can go forced air as I just ordered a cloudline s6 for exhust fan upgrade and I guess either order another or use my vivosun for intake now. I am getting too much ( imho) neg pressure and was losing 2/3 inches of tent space on all sides of my tent.
That will help reduce the neg pressure. Just run the intake at a lower speed than the exhaust.
Yes. Both are speed controlled so that should be easy to balance and leave a little neg pressure.
I’ve never obsessed over total darkness and have even poked my nose in hours after lights-out for some reason or other. Never had a hermi. One thing I did do (mainly for increased airflow) was to install a 6" elbow in the lower intake of my tent, pointed down. You could even paint the inside black if you wanted to.
Neither have I and we get plenty of Sun down in South Texas. Never a problem. Now my adventure into the World of Regular seeds has been interesting. I had a male show 30 days above soil. I think the other is a female. But this was done on purpose.
Lol sick minds think alike. I used a black plastic plumbing elbow 6" diameter in the round lower intakes to try to improve air intake. Now I’m trying to update and improve the whole grow now that I have an influx of some extra capital (thanks to Uncle Sam!) I’m doing my part keeping Amazon busy. New 7gal fabric pots,6 inch infinity exhust fan, expanding neuts, ect. Trying to fine tune my grow.
On my 2nd grow I found hermie on one plant and noticed a lot of pinhole lights leaks, fixed them up and a least no replete last grow. I know it is not provable as the source but…
I personally have never had a issue. When I got my tent I did go in it at night and sealed the tent. I had a couple pin holes and still no problems. I’ve had canopy temps hit over 100 degrees for many days straight…free and clear.
They do make curtains that block a good chunk of light out. Not overly cheap but ifyou are dealing with lots of light leaks this is a good route to take. My sister has them in her bedroom.
Mine is in the bedroom as well. Thanks to central air my temps stay at 79/80 year round with RH Fairly constant at 45/55%. I know about heat as I’m in fla.