Study indicates that flushing before harvest is unnecessary - comments?

I was reading up on flushing, and came upon this study, which seems to show that flushing before harvest is unnecessary - Cannabis Flushing Research Study

It’s just one study, but I couldn’t find any obvious flaws.

Here are the conclusions:
“In a first of its kind study, Rx Green Technologies evaluated the effects of flushing period on yield, potency, terpenes, mineral content, and taste characteristics of Cannabis flower. Overall, the length of the flushing period did not impact yield, potency, terpenes, or taste characteristics of Cannabis flower. Taste test results indicated a trend toward improved flavor and smoke quality with the zero-day flush. While there were no significant differences in nutrient content, there was a trend toward increased iron and zinc in flower flushed for 14 days. The results of this study indicate that there is no benefit to flushing Cannabis flower for improved taste or consumer experience.”

Does anyone know of any experimental evidence that contradicts this?


Very few experienced growers flush any more and are aware of the studies. There are multiple similar studies.


:point_up:What @MidwestGuy said… :point_up:


We do get a lot of flushing questions from the newer growers. Some weeks no questions and other weeks 5 questions about it.

There’s a lot of bro science out there on Google and YouTube.


I grow in the ground there’s no way to flush even if I wanted to. Harvesting at night or after lights out never made any sense to me either. I do it when I have the time and the energy and can see what Im doing without a flshlight.


Alot of us just water only the last week or two. Save a bit on nutes but an actual flush nah.


What they said. Im living soil and a flush would just muck it up.

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My understanding is the only time a flush would be needed is if you are over feeding.

So if you’re following the feeding schedule of the nute manufacture, no flush is needed.

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Or if runoff pH becomes unmanageable.

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I recently did a flush… due to PH… As in my goofy butt forgot to PH before feeding. Sat down, shite! Jumped up check PH, 4.3 something. Brought it up to 5.8 and fed double what I normally do.

Plants never gave any indication of an issue, but it was in there less than 20 min. Real “face palm” moment.

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Seems to be a individual situation question. No set rules. Starve it of nutes it might need? Tweak ratios?

According to Dr Bruce Bugbee, only needed if over feeding recommend by nute manufacture. Or due to a PH issue like my brain fart I mentioned above.

Good idea I will have a chair for feeding bench or something. Grow equipment

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I set an alarm on my phone so I can observe and make sure I’m getting the run off I need. I just use a really small rolling, desk chair.