I just saw this thought I’d bring it here so we can dissect discuss the topic. Flushing Cannabis Plants Prior To Harvest Doesn't Improve Quality, But It Does Worsen Flavor Rx Green Technologies recently looked into the cannabis cultivation practice of flushing plants with water directly prior to harvest, which cannabis cultivators have long thought improves cannabis quality and flavor.
Rx Green Technologies tasked a licensed Colorado-based cultivation facility with producing cannabis flushed with water for: 14 days, 10 days, 7 days and 0 days (no-flush). No major statistical differences were found in the samples mineral content, THC and terpenes.
Interestingly, in a blind taste test, industry professionals preferred the taste of cannabis that was flushed for 0 days.
“We were excited to scientifically test the practice of flushing and determine its validity for growers. Our experience with this trial proves that our industry needs research to support cultivators,” Stephanie Wedryk, PhD, director of research and development at Rx Green Technologies, told Benzinga.
, am definitely surprised but did they go into detail about how many strains they tested this on, and if the grows were organic or DWC or some variation there of, and what type of nutrients they were using?
Sorry for all the questions, I clicked on the link and all it said was exactly what you posted.
Potted or hydroponic may make a small difference, from nutrient availability standpoint. But I don’t think there is as much difference from organic vs synthetic as some like to believe. Either way plants see nutrients in their elemental form. Same can probably said about genetics.
Wheres that organic periodic table when we need it?? Lol
And on a serious note here on the subject…its the sugars that give you a burnt taste or a harsh smoke. So all those terpine enhancers and flavor boosters are the real culprit here…in my eyes anyways
I’m not one to stand steadfast on a practice that I have not tested myself. I grow with living soil so I run mostly on water and teas. I do stop my teas 6weeks before harvest but I doubt there’s much I can do in my setup to effect flavor.
@imSICKkid, yours saying it’s the sugars that create a problem. Would molasses be included in that or are you referring to sugars in processed bottles? Don’t even know if there’s a difference. Always heard sugar was good for the microbiology.
Just wandering if I limit my sugar more if it would effect the flavor.
I’ve never used molasses so I’m not much help there. What I do know is that the plant will give you all of the wonderful flavors just by keeping your growing environment in check. My plants are covered in trichomes and the taste is always great.
Drying your cannabis right is a huge key in having good experiences. The slower you dry the better it tastes.
I would have to agree. Mineral based or organic has no bearing… I have grown in hydro, Super Soil, and Coco with both mineral salt based and organic. No difference with flush or no flush… Just my take though
I can tell you that most of the weed you bought from the emerald triangle was not flushed. Especially if it was grown outdoors organic. Just saying, probably been smoking unflushed buds for a long time and couldn’t tell the difference in reality.
I actually knew a guy that was in on helping a grow out there. F’n Bomb weed best I’ve ever had. I couldn’t finish a joint in one sitting. Strain was actually called Humboldt Honey. The choice I had was either green crack or Humboldt Honey. I went with the Honey to medicate. Boy, did it ever!
Wait what’re we talking about? Yeah flush. Yeah it rained.
Big outdoor set up. It was serious smoke coming out of the emerald triangle.
I don’t flush, per se, but I stop feeding 10-14 days before harvest. Sometimes less.
I’d like an I dependent lab to study the other harvesting advice: harvest after a dark period, a minimum of 6 hours up to 72 hours, to ensure nutes/sugars/etc are concentrated down in the root zone, rather than circulating throughout the plant. I’d like to know some numbers on that.
ill tell u why I love this place, you can find something that is commonly know as gospel… discuss it, take all inputs from good growers and make decisions yourself with way more confidence…
I started taking branches early and they tasted great, spoke to the fuzz, so i am going to stop feeding early and then just top up with h2o… dwc… no flush as standard practice atm… always can change…