Not sure what’s happening here. This is my third grow. I’m using A Pot for pot expansion set. I’m using an auto flower bubba kush from ILGM. I started the seed on dec 25th. I put the seed in a jiffy pellet. Had it grown under a desk lamp. Everything was going well until I put it under a 75 watt grow lamp from Pot 4 Pot. I’m doing 24/24 light cycle. I’m thinking of doing the 18/6. Grown support from Pot 4 Pot said I might need to do a run off. Basically, water it till the nuts drain out? Any how here is a few photos.
Hello Emoto and welcome to the forum
From what I see just add some more soil so she is better supported and the part you cover up will generate roots.
I don’t think any flushing (run off) is necessary at this point.
I would go with the 18/6 light schedule soon as we all need some dark for rest and rejuvenation.
I’ve heard about the pot for pot but am not familiar with it.
Enjoy the day
Hey there @Emoto Welcome to the fourm👋
Lots of good info here
Thanks for the prompt response! Ok, so I supported the stalk with soil. I see some yellow on the leaf. I have the light 16 inches from the top. What do you think??
Hey @Emoto ,
To me that looks pretty good , depends on what type of light you have but sounds like a good start.
If thats in coco , it needs to be kept moist
and dont let it dry out.
Happy Growing
@Emoto welcome!
Do you have a ph and ppm meter?
Ph up and down?
Nutrients to feed her?
Coco is an inert media so it contains nothing for the plant to eat, she will get hungry very quick.
With coco you need to follow hydro guidelines, ph of around 5.9 and keep it wet as it gets older.
Welcome to the forum @Emoto
I used a spray bottle and hit it a couple times a day to make sure top soil stays damp as that little girl gets her water from the leaves at this point since there isn’t many roots. You could dome it with a clear plastic cup also but I didn’t and mine grew fine.
A tip for next time, using peat plugs:
Rehydrate in hot water. After hydrated, squeeze about 1/4-1/3 of the peat out. Then re-form the plug. This will loosen up the medium, so the tap root won’t have such a hard time penetrating through it; as yours has done here @Emoto
Thank you everyone for the tips! I’ll post in a few to show the progress!!!
GANG MAN ! you’re looking good, from seed to little plant,
Quite a lot of things going on right now, she’s trying to find her way to grow ! Not to worry, ur soil looks good to me, CONGRATS