Spudgunner's Clone Grow

Damn Spud you have your tent and hands full, thats what my brain would look like in your shoes!


Thanks @Bentstick glad I’m retired and have nothing else going on. I look back on my earlier grows where I did a lot more training and go “Damn, gotta do that next batch!” But these took off on me and before I knew it, I couldn’t get in there to work with them!

Hard to believe they are the same batch of clones as in the cellar. Different pot sizes and autopots with air pump to the roots made a HUGE difference in growth, one I was not prepared for!


My autopot girls earlier this yr surprised the hell out of me also the first time I used them,now I have a idea what they can do.


Phenomenal growth from them! I used the air bases as well, had to turn the pump off to slow the growth! That was a few weeks ago, might have to turn them on again now that they are ripening.


Do not use air bases, just the clay pebbles and coco and vermeculite.


Thats a wild looking tent full for sure. Thats what every plant would look like in my tent if i never joined ILGM to learn how to LST/HST. I found a good way to train my plants out to keep them short and bushy with giant colas. I supercrop then manifold them. It works for me. I try to cause as much damage to the stalk and branches as possible during the process. Its back to the medieval torture dungeons for my plants.


Cellar dwell update! It’s been over 8 weeks since light flip, figure it was time to put a scope to them. They sure are getting dank! Every time the door to the cellar gets opened, a fragrant aroma fills the living room.

So here is the mutant, only living because I have the space. At this point, I can’t really move them around much, barely enough room to get my hand with a scoop of water in there to feed them! They pretty much support each other like bunch of drunks propping each other up.

They aren’t massive buds, maybe 3 inches long, 2" diameter, but there are sure a lot of them!

And some are bigger!

This shot is middle of the plant bud. Getting close!

While the top buds look ready…

I’ll have to feed/water them tomorrow, which means mixing up another 4 gallons for them. Thinking that will be their last batch, should last 10 days (3 waterings), then I’ll cut them down in 2 weeks. Unless I get that itch to drop some more beans!

Keep on growing, folks!


Looking fantastic in there brother, beautiful colors :+1::blush:


Awesome looking in there Spud!


Appreciate your kind words @Dennis62 and @Bentstick, the purples are coming out more and more. They are slowing down on their intake so I know they are getting oh so close, I can just smell them!

Tent ladies, hoping 3 more weeks for them to be like this (but bigger!).


No room at the Spudgunner Clone Grow Inn!
Awesome and Congrats.


Not yet! Altho I can start seedlings under a T5 18w light just outside the Inn…but I’ll wait a couple weeks. Might be nice to take a month off even, altho I’d have no idea what I’d do all day without plants to keep me going!


Well, change of plans…

I was out with Sheba the other day and took a tiny slip on the wet leaves on wet mud on a hill. Didn’t fall, but tweaked my back just enough to be giving me spasms off and on for the last couple days. Well, feed day for the cellar dwellers today. Think I can carry a 40lb pail of water down 8 steps? Didn’t even try. So, an impromptu chop day today! They are ready, lots of amber and no clear (except on some of the lower larf). Stripped the big fans and any other uglies off, and here’s how they looked just before chop!

I started trimming one, take a pic, cut, hang and repeat. But after the third one I couldn’t clear my screensaver with fingerprint and phone was sticking to me when I entered my password! So trimmed the last 10, went upstairs and rubbed cooking oil on my hands to get the gummy off, then soap and hot water to get the oil off. Easiest way to clean up! Anyways, with clean hands, went back down and took the other 10 shots, cut and hanging now!

There are quite a few nice nugs on these, as well as a lot of smaller larfy stuff. Usually I just chuck it al in together, but this time I’m going to separate the larf out. My daughter has been hounding me about Christmas and what do I want, so after finding out her budget, I’m asking for a Levo C! It will be a combo Xmas/B’day(Jan) present, and wife might kick in a bit towards it. But ya, figure I can infuse some butter and make cookies or something! A new endeavour for the New Year!


Harvest congratulations Sir @Spudgunner :partying_face:

And sending you tons of healing vibes! :v:


Appreciate the well-wishes @kaptain3d…it only hurts when I move, lol! Most of the time, no pain, can walk fine. But there are those instances where your foot slips maybe 1/2 inch and “Ouch”, pinch a nerve in the lumbar/sacrum area and almost drop to the ground. Hold steady and breath for 10 seconds or so, and slowly move again, good until it happens again.
Last couple of years the back and knees have been better. Amazing how that works when you lose 20lbs and keep it off!


Congratulations on the chop man those look awesome, lol I wear latex gloves :laughing: got tired of rubbing my fingers raw. Hope you get to feeling better my friend :pray:


A single gallon weighs less.
Take some leave some, always my favored harvesting plan.


Thanks @Dennis62 the spasms aren’t frequent and if I’m careful they can mostly be avoided. I just walk like a cripple for a while! Couple days of being careful and it’ll go away until I do something stupid again (hence the reoccurring part! :upside_down_face:)

Honestly, a bit of oil rubs it right off, then a squirt of dishwashing soap. Lather that together before rinsing in warm water. Do Not wet hands before oil and soap! Hands are nice and soft afterwards too!


And a single plant cut at the base weighs even less!

I might selectively harvest the tent ladies, there’s enough mass in there that it would be worthwhile. I’ll have to take and post pics of them next, I turned the light down a tad because they were starting to foxtail. Some fat colas in the tent tho!


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