Damn she’s blowing up. Gonna keep her or flower? @QtPatooty this is the original monster clone mine were clones from its early stage of reflower.
Looks like you need another board for lights. Need to order those
Wow that is quite the bush. Hope mine fill out that nice. I think I will make me a little journal for the clones. Do you have a journal for yours? Its kinda easier for me to keep track of things really. And love going back and looking at all the progress.
Now how long did you let them veg. again, I don’t remember? I am sure in a week they will look nice and bushy.
Looks very healthy and happy. How long since cutting? She is amazing. Excellent job.
Just cut today. They were cut from the monster above week of Xmas took couple weeks to root. So basically vegd for about 5 weeks using up the nutes in the ffof. I’ll take some more pics. I still haven’t created a journal but magnumpu and I are friends so I’ll prob go jack his as they’re all related.
They blew up again flipping to 12/12 starting now. @ThcinKC I’ve got your NL clones let’s trade a few for a few jack and or Acapulco gold clones? See the mother at top and couple of my clones below. Took more the other day. What you say?
Oh man i would love to trade I’m in the process of doing clones now and working on my seed crop with colloidal silver to make feminized seeds. Oh i got another set of seeds to 20 or so different strains to play with to.
Let’s do it! Sometime in next couple weeks? I’d be willing to let the plant on the right (flowering for 6 days just started spitting out pistols you could reveg to monster crop it?)side black bag go to give me room for the bubblegum in a couple weeks and can put the clones in veg cab. I’m in the metro area as well. Could meet burn one then meet to swap?
Oh yeah I’ll give you some Acapulco gold and Critical Bilbo to try you will need to be at home because I can’t drive after either of them and they are not fully cured either and just going to get stronger. Maybe you have Tommy Chong tolerance or something. I got some U.K. Cheese and Chocolope seeds and a pack of 3 glueberry from Dutch passion to give them a spin see what you think
Sweet let’s let this storm pass and meet up maybe one day next week? How many clones do you want? Do you want the bigger flowering plant? I can get you some sample of the NL as well. We’ll have to swap numbers then delete from thread.
My clones won’t be ready for about 3 weeks but I can hook you up with those seeds and some nugs to twist and bake your noodle
That Critical bilbo is a monster and thunder in the pipe it made 10 people at a bonfire not talk for 2 hours just staring at the fire sipping vanilla crown
Lol that’s when you know it’s good. I’ve got a buddy who talks waaaay to much he’s not a reg smoker but when he talks a lot I pass him my dugout, joint, pen and he gets quiet the rest of the day!
Part of me wants to cross the Acapulco gold with the Critical bilbo and see what happens
Probably lots of happy sleep. nappy nap time from description on leafly. The Acapulco Gold is something my father in law talks about constantly about his younger days really want to reconnect him with it.
O.k. cool i can help you out with that