Spots on leaves, light burn or something else?

I’m starting to see spots developing on a few of the larger fan leaves, it’s only on the plants on edges of my tent. Does this look like light burn or something else?
The light is a ts1000w and the height is 16” from the bigger, more mature plant. This is an organic grow and they get top dresses of build a flower, worm castings and very small amounts of dolomite lime periodically. They get watered every 3 days alternating between recharge and cal mag. I just moved the light up another 6” hoping if it is the light it will help. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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I think they look good. Obviously well into flower. They will probably start robbing from the leaves for the flowers. Perfectly normal as far as my limited experience. Let’s see what the real experts think.


Agreed. Looks pretty good :+1:

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Thank y’all, the leaves that are effected have been removed. I have seen a few leaves yellow through your this run but I’ve never seen the splotches show up. I couldn’t really find anything similar in the deficiency reference pictures. The lightest green one in the picture has the most visible splotches that I’m talking about.

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I noticed more of them today. Anyone have any ideas?


I think I need to tag some people in on this one, I hope y’all don’t mind. @PurpNGold74 @Graysin @OGIncognito

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Lowest growth only?

Location of the leaves is gonna impact whether I’m concerned or not.

PS - tag away. I never mind. :v:


@Tophat :point_up_2: same here :love_you_gesture:

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During mid flower is a bad time to green up your plants. I would go very lite with any nutrients at this point.
Some organic nutrients schedules like Roots brand maintain some nitrogen throughout the grow, keep the plant nice and green up to the end. But I switched to a synthetic/organic food, (Mills), because I started reducing the amounts in order to reduce the run off salts. Due to the reduced feeding and the short shelf life of organic nutrients my plants would often look like yours. You may want to give a super soil a try on your next grow.
I kinda like to keep my plants looking healthy and green up to time to flush, and then flush for 10-14 days.

Let said it’s like this. I think that you are a bit too far into flower to start piece milling nutrients, and waiting to see results. You could feed with a liquid nutrient that will give you some of everything, (And this is what they truly need). But this would give them more nitrogen than they will need it this point. You kinda need to slowly take your plants off of nitrogen towards the end.

It’s kinda in the middle of the plant.

The three that are having the issue have been getting their prescribed top dresses at the proper times. I’m following the exact process I’ve done for the big one in the center of my tent except I didn’t lst them short and they are in 1g pots. I’m currently making a tea in preparation for watering day. I’m using a cup each of build a flower and worm castings, half a cup of craft blend, 1/2 tsp recharge, 2 tsp unsulfered molasses and 2 tbs fish emulsion. I’m aiming to not spike the nitrogen levels if this is a nutrient issue.

@Graysin It’s kinda in the middle of the plant. The reason I’m thinking it’s a light issue is they have grown up close to the light and the light is set for the big girl in the center. As they grow in from the outer corners the light is more concentrated towards the center and DLI increases. Is purple on the leaves and stems a sign of light burn too? The original plan was to stager this grow, having the three on the corners at the proper stage to move into the center by the time the big girl was done, but things always look better on paper and here I am :joy:

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This is the purple splotches and stems

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Are you running different strains? Some strains require more food than others.
I am having this problem with my present hydro grow. I have a Bruce Banner and a Black Widow running together in the same tent in veg. The BW is showing signs of excess nitrogen while the BB is just showing signs of being fed enough. I should had known better than run two different ones in a hydro. Soil would had been no problem, and could just monitor each plant for what makes it happy.

These are all Ilgm sour diesel autos. The taller ones are exactly one month behind the big girl in the center. They have always had a little purple in the leaf petioles but never in the stalk or fan leaves like this.


Please don’t let my comments cause you to overreact. I am just trying to explain what is happening with your plants that causes what you see. The purple color is due to the reduction of nitrogen, and is normal and desirable during flowering. The spots are more than likely a phosphorus deficiency, and this can add to the purpling.
Your plants look good to me. I think you should stay the course that you are on, and the do the tea and the other things you said. You can always make major adjustments to your next grow.

I think I’m going to add a few banana peels and a cucumber peel to my tea since I have it brewing already. Hopefully this will add the needed phosphorus and some potassium very gently. Thank you for the insight and help!

Cool, keep us posted on your results!

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