I put the PH level in a five gallon bucket of water at 6.35 to use for my out door plants. A few days later I was getting ready to water again and just for the heck of it I decided to check the PH again. To my shock it was up to 7.70. Nothing was added to bring this about. What gives.
My city water has gone from 11 to 5.6. Varies every time. Allegedly water ph is considered an aesthetic.
I would guess if outside and uncovered, environmental changes? Maybe the water needed to warm up?
Apologies for the deleted post, it was late, I was tired and getting snarky.
Anyway, PH drift is common. Reservoirs and such need to be monitored fairly regular. Some folks battle with it. I haven’t had an issue myself, but my reservoirs don’t last more than a few days before I have to refill.
I’m sure if it caught you unaware it can be frustrating.
If you want more info, copy and paste…( PH drift ) into the search bar / window.
Just like me and everybody else, just another learning experience.
I learned that on my first grow cuz I messed up. I 1st grow fill a couple of five gallon buckets let whatever chemicals dissipate for a few days then make a perfect 6.5 pH and put them in one gallon jugs
closed. I thought I was good for the eternity of that water boy was I wrong. Few weeks later I was wondering why things are going wrong and the great people here suggested to check my pH and I said I already have and I make pH water ahead of time. That’s when a lot of people chimed in and said I’m a dumbski for not realizing pH water will change. I’ve never tried rainwater to see if it changes but I bet you it does.
So now I make it on the fly the moment I’m going to feed my plants after the few days of bleach and chemical dissipation from the water. I have pH water and used it the next day or so but I make sure I check it again. I feel like Mama all the time on my plants did you check are you sure you checked I think you should check again I’m going to check again to make sure thank God for Mama. Happy mother’s Day coming up
The one week that I had a fit with handheld ph meters acting up. (smash time) My water went from 7ish to 12. I didnt see one millimeter of growth in all the plants.
I double check everyday with 2 different meters and 6.5 is the schweet spot for my “dirty” girls.
Rain water absolutely will change ph when it sits, mine always drifts up! My rainwater only tests at 15 ppm or .03 even. The lower the ppm in your water, the easier it takes on the ph of the medium. Water needs bicarbonates and minerals to stabilize the ph. Put some rainwater in a small container and check ph, most likely your meter will jump around constantly. Now, add a small pinch of baking soda ( bicarbonate ) and see how fast the meter locks in. I just ph mine at time of feeding and the media buffers it. I’m running Promix bx with mycos and fungicide, add 25% more perlite, 2 tbls fine ground dolomite lime per gallon of mix, and a handful of wood ash. I feed Lotus nutes, ph 5.8 to 6.3, letting it vary feed to feed. Also, Lotus cal mag every feed at 100 ppm in veg, 200 in flower. I run a Szhlux 840 watt led and it takes a little higher cal mag to keep up with that light. Good luck!
You must not be growing in soil? Everything you said after I am running is like speaking Portuguese to me and I’m Portuguese LOL. I did see rainwater have very low PPM. I live in a condo it’s hard for me to grab rainwater without looking like why is he grabbing rainwater when he has a spigot right there. I’m sure if I did research I could pull it off maybe the second time of growing. I cannot lie I really love fox farm products and their soil it all works together get a good pH meter make sure everything’s looking good in and out. Even a caveman can do it LOL. I do Happy frog for the seedlings and then 50/50 with ocean Forest 10 gallon. I reuse the soil a couple of times and it still working with fertilizer. 6.5 is what I like my pH water at and I get it exactly 6.5. not 6.6 not 6.4. but I also read what’s going out. Tap water PPM is usually about 330 I know it sucks I’m not finished doing my house yet and still wondering if I should get a a crazy filter systems.
YUP, good idea.
I do too, Apera 20 and Apera 60EZ.
three other cheapies are in my trash pile.
Molasses will change PH of mixed water even faster.
Can’t sit for days, while I daze.
Never add water w/o PH measuring, before final pour.
Thank all of you for your reply’s. So a closer look at the PH from now on.