Okay, marijuana is smelly. Most to the time it smells wonderful but as the list of strains I’ve grown gets larger I’m finding a couple I have a hard time enjoying the smell of. Granddaddy purple and Jack herer are on the list for me. Just don’t care for how they smell. GDP is a great strain affect wise. Haven’t smoked Jack Herer yet because she isn’t quite done. I’m sure I’ll like it. Again the smell isn’t that pleasant.
On the other hand there are strains that smell wonderful. Goldleaf, AK-47 and Bubblegum are high on that list for me. Bubblegum being my favorite.
What are your favorites and least favorite smelly bud?
Wow. I love love the gdp.
I’ve got Cali dream going right now and it’s ridiculous! Love the smell.
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Girl Scout Cookies, AK and SD catpiss
Blue Cheese
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Jack Herer has a spicy chemical smell to me. Just not sure I care for it to much. Don’t get me wrong I will smoke and enjoy it.
GDP in all fairness could be from other issues. I had a beautiful GDP stolen last season. My brother-in-law grew a second GDP we agreed to split. Unfortunately he used miracle grow without me knowing. I think that could be the issue with smell. Had a chemical smell to it.
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I have a blue cheese growing. Curious to see how she turns out.
I’m adding one. I just stepped away and smoked forbidden fruit. Smelled good dry smelled like burning grape fruit peel and burning rubber.
I like the fruity smell of the blueberry a lot. The northern Light skunky smell reminds me of back in the day what you always wanted to get your hands on skunk weed but was hard to come by.