One of the leaves are turning light green and curling any advice on what to
strong text
The soil looks kinda wet. Let it dry out before u water again. Keep good lights on her 18/6 and watch her grow.
I’m with @Tenga on this. I would raise the humidity in the space and let the soil dry out some. Roots are still growing so most of the water intake is being done by the leaves. If you can’t get the humidity in the space up a small dome helps. They like 60%+ RH at the stage shes at now.
Should I leave the plants in humidity dome and leave the vents open
I would not let your soil dry out. Of course you dont want it to be soaked and water logged but you dont ever want it to be dry. The biggest thing for seedlings to thrive is a warm amd moist climate around 75 to 80 degrees. What soil are you using? And yes I would leave the dome on for at least until they get two complete sets of leaves
What @imSICKkid said. All the people here have tons of great advice. Soak it up and enjoy the grow.
I’m using fox farm light warrior
Nice! I’ve never used the light warrior soil. Looks like its a seed starter soil. Fox farm is good stuff, their soils are a wee bit hot for the babies, I can’t personally speak to the warrior though. I read about the light warrior starting soil, it says to start feeding at 5 days from sprout, not sure I would feed that soon without doing a little more research on the soil ya got. I and a good many people here use ff soils, can’t remember for the life of me who does off hand though. I do know that the ocean forrest doesn’t need feed for a few weeks 4 or 5 due to the nutes that are already there, don’t want to burn the ladies. I’m going to drop a few more names in the game. @imSICKkid definitely knows his stuff, @Holmes has helped me a ton so far. @Unknown has as well and one more great one is @Covertgrower. I feel like these guys will jump in with some great info. We all got you @Luv716, all the guys and gals here are great people with tons of knowledge, someone will be along shortly with better answers than a newb like me. I would definitely do what @imSICKkid and I have said about letting them dry out some, not totally of course, raise the humidity some, I know its a little tough with the winter and RH being low everywhere. Try to keep the temp with the light on under 82ish, I may be speaking a little warm there, if so I hope someone corrects me. Sorry for the long drawn out ramble, wake and bake does that to me sometimes oh and don’t forget to drop a @ in front of whoevers screen name your talking too, most of these guys get called on constantly so I doubt they keep following posts unless call on. I am hanging in there with ya though. Set to tracking so I get notified. Let’s grow some beautiful ladies. Smile, enjoy the grow and try not to stress too much, there will be tons of ups and downs for you in the next few months, take them in stride, these plants we love are weeds and they want to live.
@Luv716 sorry to blow you up but I meant to ask are they photo period or autos? This will make a difference in the next coming days.
Photo period not auto-flowers
Should I change the soil if possible
@Luv716 I wouldn’t mess with trying to change the soil at this point. Wait until you can easily slide the soil from the cups and check for roots, not yet though. When you can see good roots at the bottom of the cup, pot them ladies up. I am growing photos too. From the soil you are in I would pot up to ff ocean forrest when ready of course. Wait a couple or three weeks then feed them. What are you planning on doing for nutes?
I see you lurking @Unknown lol. Glad you approve of my old Newby advice
Lmao Thank u for the kind words @zipty420 , we all gotta help each other succeed ONLY thing I could add is on the ffof it can feed up to 6 weeks so feed as she wants just my 2 pennies lol but
Not sure yes still confused someone advised general hydroponics nutrients Thanks to everyone advising on the growth
Please advise on the nutrients. Greatly appreciated
@Luv716 I am using the ff trio on this grow and it seems to be doing well. I know there are a ton of different nutes out there and many of these guys and gals use different ones. I’m sure everyone here will have their own opinions and I know that most if not all will know more than me in that field. I did want to take a few steps back and make sure you are pH testing your water as well, uber important to these girls. I will send the ff feeding schedule for soil to you when I get back to the house unless someone jumps on here with it for you. @SKORPION I know you have it stashed away too. Keep a journal of everything you do, environment, nutes, water amount, pH, ppm, light hight, type, etc. All this info will help us all help you to our best.
Just to clarify…I never said to let any medium dry out at all. I said dont keep it soaking wet. It needs to stay moist 24/7 all the way through, otherwise it will kill off feeder roots.
Yes never dry dry. That was the hardest part for me at the beginning. “What’s too much, what’s too dry” hardest part for me so far was to not over or under water. What imsickkid said for sure. Moist but not wet, good humidity for now, they are drinking through their leaves more now but still taking in from the roots too. The roots are forming so they will want more water shortly. In my life I’ve always lived by (everything worth doing is worth overdoing) definitely not the case in growing this plant i have learned.