Slight fox tailing

Plants doing good but I feel like I got some early signs of foxtailing I raised the light 3 inches since my temps are between 73 and 77.

What do you think?


Look beautiful, honestly I dont see any foxtailing, at least yet.
I see Calyx Sugar Calyx Calyx Sugar. Looks great.

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Yeah I agree with @Pet_de_Chien they look good. They probably just seem that way to ya up close because they havent plumped up all that they are going to, they’ll get fatter. Nice growinh!

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Should I drop back the 3 inches lol

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I do with mine, there’s a point the buds are what they are and it’s time to back off just slightly to preserve the trichomes and terpenes while the buds continue to ripen. Yes you can continue to push them and might get a little more out of them but imo it starts to hurt the quality of the smoke

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What are you talking about

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You asked about raising the lights 3 inches I was saying yes and explained why I would

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Gotcha the way you worded it was hard for me to understand


I’m bad with words bro sorry, I type so slow my brain gets ahead of my fingers and I go in a circle :laughing::rofl:


No worries

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DO the palm up heat test at the top of the canopy, if its warm at all keep it where its at, if its cool lower it. OR use an infared thermo on the top leaves. What kind of light and how many watts are you juicing it with. I see no bleaching or burn.


I’m not worried about heat I’m worried about light intensity I’m using a vipar spectar pro series 2500 lights at 22 inches now max range for flower according to manufacturer got the plant dead center under the light.


Looks great to me


I’ll try again from a different angle… I keep my light down around 15-18 inches from the plants until around 6-8 weeks of actual flower and I will raise it up to around 18-22 for the rest of the grow. Looking at your pictures it’s looking about the time I would start raising my light a little


You’re perfectly fine there. Not seeing any foxtail either from that pic.


I don’t mean to but in but I am glad I was reading this conversation. I did not know about raising the light some at the end of flowering. Thank You @MeEasy :blush:


I dim down the lights in the last few weeks. I suppose raising them would achieve the same effect.


@MeEasy I think he just meant should he pit the lights back down 3 inches. They were raised because he thought it was foxtailing. upon finding it wasnt foxtailing, was wondering if the light could be lowered back down to original distance… Hope I could clear up any confusion.
@EMTCPR3 as for the question, I think you could put it back down if you werent experiencing any other symptoms of light burn…

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But upon hearing the others, raisng it that bit may have been good anyway.

Yea I’m going to just keep it at that distance.