Skywalker OG size of plant

So can anyone tell me why my skywalker OG plant is so small in comparison to the california dream plant i have growing right next to it?
They both get the same amount of light, same temp, same water, everything but the skywalker seems like it is just stopped growing all together at this early stage?

California dream is on the left and the skywalker OG is on the right.
I saw in the customer reviews online that someone else had this issue also with the skywalker that they had and when it was ready to chop down it was only like 2 feet talk or something and had barely any yield out of it.


Probably working on root development


How much water are you giving them each time? Overwatering will stunt seedlings, which should only get a few ml of water per day.


A 2’ indoor plant doesn’t sound bad :person_shrugging:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:


Ok thats good to hear. Probly going to move them into bigger pots tomorrow. So i guess we will see what is going on in there then.

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The plant this dude had was outdoor though

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I wouldn’t transplant the small one yet, give it a week or so :green_heart::metal:t2:


I have had a liter spray bottle since they popped out the soil i have been using for them that still is about half full, and they popped out the soil like a week and a half ago.

They are different strain dominance. CD is Sativa dominant and SWOG is hybrid indica dominant. That’s a possible difference in genetics alone. I wouldn’t worry. They both look healthy.

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Exact right there ^^^^^ they are not clones.

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  1. 2ft tall is a giant, among shorties.
  2. Much less water.
  3. I dont transplant solo cup seedlings until their leaves outreach the cup.
  4. centered in bag (residing in tote) is a soil only germinated ILGM-Auto seedling. No presoaking, just moist soil, seed, and dome (experimenting).

Have fun watching the two develop.
Good growing to you.
Remember small seedlings grow up, too.