Seedling Struggle

Grow Mates,

1st time grower, need some feedback. I successfully germinated 3 Skywalker seeds placed them in plastic cups 12-16-23, Day 1 in 3 times washed coco coir 70%, perlite 30%, no amendments. Seedlings thrived for 2 days under a CFL light at 250 PPFD, with plastic covers over the opening. Soil did not feel excessively damp. I sprayed them 3x’s with distilled water. Ait temp 77F. 3rd day they were wilting. I carefully introduced a layer of soil, being careful not to touch the stems.

Day 4 , 2 of the 3 Skywalker did not progress. I moved them into my grow tent. Temp 77F, humidity 77% under an LED grow light at 160 PPFD, 6” fan circulating the air in the tent 2’ above the plants.
Moreover, I carefully removed soil from 2 plants and found the stem to root transition section withered, dark and deteriorated. I did not disturb the 3rd Skywalker plant.

The plastic covers are no longer applied as they are in a sable environment. All three cups have 8-10 drain holes so there is no standing water.

12.20-23 I planted a germinated OG Kush in the same plastic cup along side the 1 remaining Skywalker plant from 1st germination. The Kush has yet to push through.

I took a photo of the 1 remaining plant and noticed some spotting and discoloration. I’m looking for any feedback from the Forum to assist in salvaging the remaining Skywalker.

I’ve reduced watering to 3-4 sprays, two times a day.

Help me Obi-Wan Growers, you’re my only hope


Like this?
It’s called damping off
couple of causes most common one is over watering
If you see this in a seedling it’s 100% dead sorry

Only mist the dome once or twice a day and only water around the dome a shot of glass every 2/3 days

Once the leaf outgrow the dome remove it and start watering in circles start with small amounts and gradually increase over the weeks

I can’t really see anything with that blurry pic sorry

And that one might be affected you don’t really know until they die it happens fast

These guys are pros

@Low @OGIncognito


The last seedling looks good and agree and nothing to add to what @Firstimer1299 recommended :love_you_gesture:



Thanks for the reply. Based on your phot and your description the Skywalker indeed appears to have been overwater. Shame, I lost 2 plants but gained valuable experience. I took better pictures today. The center leaves appear brown and likely dead. Lesson learned. My plants are in cups and I’m watering the OG Kush at the perimeter of the plant about 1 inch from the stem. Hopefully, I’ll have better success. My Kush is in day 2 of growth. Is it worth germinating another Kush? Not sure If the lag will affect harvest.

Thanks again


Thank you for the feedback OGIncognito.


Looks like the first set of true leaves dried up never seen it so can’t say,

I’d germinate another but wouldn’t give up on that one right away

This is what I do to when I start mine in solo cups
I soak the soil plant the seed and don’t water until I transplant (I use domes and mist it 2 times a day some time 3) into bigger pot


I’m a week into my first grow, she broke ground last Saturday. Learning to be patient I found is very important. I’ve had the urge to water a few times before I left for work but held off. You got this :+1:


I have 3 plants all sprouted the same day. Each one is finishing up now and looks like theres a 3 week difference between them. One is close any day now, the second maybe another 10 days and the last one 14+. What im saying is, go ahead and drop another bean if you want. Doubtful that harvest day will fall on the same day for them all anyway. A week or so behind shouldnt change a whole lot for your final outcome. :+1:


I would stop using soil and go hydroponic, at least to start the seeds. It never fails. Use a rooting sponge, put the seed inside, and it’s very easy.

Starting the plant in the soil is something I always disliked, after going hydroponic, I have never looked back. At least for a beginner is my best advice.

1 Like

I’ll start the 2nd Kush tonight. My protocols are, 12 hour dark soak in distilled water at 77F, then transfer to moist cotton pads (make up pads). Seeds sprout a root within 24 hours in ziplock bag in my tent in a black out bag atop the LED inverter heat sink. Temp is a constant 80F. I’ll wait until the root is 1/2” to 3/4” long before they go into inert soil mixture.

I considered full hydroponics but considered the overall expense to be more than conventional soil grow methods. I’ll give it a go in soil.

Thanks for the feedback.


Thanks for the advice, I’ll start another Kush tonight.


What nutrient line are you using? Coco /perlite is not considered soil, it is closer to hydro.


Glad you asked. Hopefully you can elaborate more in this topic. Here’s my projected path.

Seed starter medium and environment:
Coco/Perlite 70/30, No nutrients. Still very fuzzy on watering process.
Plants are in 4x4 @ 77F, 77% humidity both on auto control.
LED light 160 PPFD on 20/4 schedule
6’ AreWave A6 circulating air 2’ above plant hight

Veg stage soil has been prepared. My version of Living soil
7 Gal fabric pots
Coco/Perlite 70/30. (I think I should increase the perlite closer to 50% ???)
12 TBL Dr. Earth Bud and Bloom
15 TBL Dr. Earth Vegetable fertilizer
4 Ounces worm castings

Above is for One 7 gallon pot. I’ve prepared 3 pots. The pots are outside “brewing” micro cultures

Initially I wanted to go all organic. As a back up I’ve purchased the General Hydroponics Trio; Flora Grow, Flora Micro and Flora Bloom. I also purchased CalMag

I printed a seedling to harvest schedule that utilizes the General Hydroponics Trio schedule. My understanding of the Grow process is as follows

The first few weeks of seedling cycle the plant needs no nutrients so just add PH adjusted water

I should not put plants in my “Living Soil” during the seedling stage as the soil is too “hot”

At some Point I will put the plants in the pots, water with no Nutrients, as the soil amendments will feed the plants for about 30 - 35 days

After 30 days water with General Trio adjusted ratios to properly supplement plants during their grow, Veg and Flower stages.

As stated above I’m fuzzy clear on when to water plants in the seedling stages. I don’t want a repeat of my over watering debacle.

I’d like to think that it’s ok to add nutrients at diluted levels during the seedling watering stage. But how much is too little and too much?

Hopefully, the afore stated provides enough detail for your assessment and response.

Thanks Brother.


I amend the coco with full strength jacks 850 PPMs, they need nutrients around day 5 IMO.
I also start seeds in coco loco that’s 2500 PPMs straight from the bag. :love_you_gesture:

You can do a slurry test to test this. What are you calling living soil, I saw the ingredients you amended the coco with. Organic amended medium is gentler on the plants than synthetic fertilizer

i definitely hit coco with full strength jacks and half strength silica as well when i see the first sign of the first flowers

this one started the full nute list just yesterday, sprouted just a couple days ago using a spritz or two of spring water from a spray bottle until i see those first 2 leaves.
works 100% of the time with ridiculous growth. im never goin back to soil lol
coco is OP


So to be clear. I fully understand the inert nature of the coir perlite media and the need to supplement with nutes. GH recommends about 1.23 mmm of each GH nute trio during the first 2 weeks of the seedling stage.

Your experience has been that it’s ok to go with full strength nutes at this early stage? I’m concerned about burning the seedling so early. Should I be? This is my second round of seed germination. I don’t want to blow it again.



only after the first set of leafs appear, in my experience yes, i go with full strength nutes myself
if u are worried about burning, than it would be totally fine to start off with half strength, and work ur way up as the roots get a little more stable an settled in.



I posted 2 photos of Kush

12/21/23 sprouted
12/21 through 12/27 watered with PH adjusted distilled water
12/29 through 12/30 watered with General Hydroponics recommended solution of 1.23 ml/gallon of GH Flora Micro, Flora Gro and Flora Bloom

Photos of Plant 1 are from 12/29 and 12/30. Please advise if they look healthy. I do see some minor growth in the first set of true leaves and a second set of leaves emerging from the center ( 12/30/23 photo)

P1 12/29/23

P1 12/30/23