Silent grower part 2

Is this coco?

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Mothers earth ground well

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Well she looks great aside from a few leaf blemishes… I wouldn’t get too worried yet.
If it continues or gets worse maybe pump your feed up some.
Some of the healthiest looking plants iv seen in awhile!


Just worried got some yellowing on the ribs of leaf


And thanks trying to do better this time around

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There is many different things that’s can give you that lighter green coloration.

Has she maybe dried back a little further than she should have recently or in the past?

I’m not sure what your last grow looked like but I would say you’re off to a fantastic start!


Well my first grow was laughable didnt have anything i needed and started befor i found this fourm since then ive been reading and trying to learn as much as i can so its definitely helped


Basically sticks with a couple buds on them🤣


Personally I don’t see anything to be concerned about. I know your runoff ph is a little high but I don’t see any indication the plants is seeing that… magnesium wouldn’t be locked out at those numbers, plus as the plant gets into flower and you start feeding heavily and nutrients build up the ph will come down some. Ideal situation, better ph at the most important time.
Jacks is very gentle, don’t be afraid to feed.
AGAIN! plants looks amazing!


Thanks again and if you ever want a good laugh i had an old thread when i first stared called
Girls looking frosty
Thamks for the input​:metal::metal:


Sorry for the late response growmie. I agree with @Autos-only plants look great. With the ph being "out of range " itll take a bit for it to show/affect your plant. That first pic just looks like a normal leaf blemish to me. They come n go durning all stages. Id continue to go in with ur desired ph. Next watering if it is the same or higher, run an extra gallon tgrough her and go slow. Collect runoff as normal and continue to monitor.


Just looked at the first grow you had. I wouldnt stress that at all growmie, that happens more than ud think with autos. Look at were u are now vs then. Beautiful transition growmie :call_me_hand:


Thanks bro and no problem figured you was busy with work thats why i taged a couple more peeps just to make sure i didn’t need to do anything right away appreciate ya​:+1::+1::metal:


Yeafirst time really wasnt to bad ended up pulling 9.2g wife said it smoked good ended up getn a little dryer than i wanted did the snap test but limbs wete still bending but buds dried faster


Anytime i can help ill respond, just might not be right away lol. Most days im asleep noon-830pm EST since i work nightshift.

Not bad at all! When i would see thoes kind of autos in past readings they all said they got decent weight AND the smoke was :fire:


12-3-24. Feed p2 jacks 321
Ppm in 779
Ph in 6.33
Ppm out 1320
Ph out 6.8
Also did a little pruning on lower on both plants both girls doing good😁

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Sir we are in December not November :crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Yea temporary laps :rofl::rofl:

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Thanks for looking out🤘

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Lmao no worries, i was just teasing ya :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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