ShureGreens Very First Grow Journal

Ok. Well their light is off rn, but when it’s back on at 6, I think, I will take some shots for you so we can be sure. Lol! I’m skeered. I finally believe I will have success with this one and don’t wanna eff it up like I tend to do everything. Smdh. Sad but true.

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even if they weren’t mature the worst that would happen is they might stretch a little before they finally flip.


Don’t be scared! Some guys grow them on 12/12 from seed, no veg time, they just flower as soon as they are mature enough. Kinda like an auto, just on a different light time. Your roots will continue to provide nutrients to your plants, they just won’t get root bound in air pots. The only pistols you will see will be at the node junctions where branches meet trunk, until you flip them, THATS when buds and pistols start to form. If you think they are too wet, simply cut back on the amount of time pump gives nutrients. You don’t want it crispy dry before next feed, just good and moist. Feeds should give you a bit of runoff, no more. I think @OGIncognito would be better at coco and auto waterers, he runs coco and auto water setup. What say you, guru?


Appreciate the shout out Brother, @ShureGreen high frequency fertigation is great for coco. If every 6 hours concerns you switch that up to 12 hour intervals. I feed once daily but @Low runs frequent fertigation. What are you doing with the run off waste :love_you_gesture:



Depends on pot size and ratio. Frequent feeding is all about keeping the medium as balanced as you can. Even in, even out. With that you are helping maintain saturation.

Run off can be a pain in the a55. I filter our run off and it gets pumped to a sink in another room for easy testing. I use a cheap condensate pump. Would like to incorporate a large collection reservoir of sorts to feed the outdoor garden and ornamentals throughout the warmer seasons.


Ok. Well, I suck up the ro with a wet vac and feed my yard with it right now. I have in the working some cool little things I designed with funnels with the long flexible accordion things on the bottoms that are attached to lids from muffin pans that will attach to the inside of my milk crates. The ro will enter the muffin lids and into the funnel and out of the crates. There will be clear tubing up into the ends of the accordions that will bring it out of the tent and into something. What I haven’t figured that part out yet. But I do have the crates, funnels, accordion things and tubing all put together, pretty much. My hand isn’t allowing me to finish it all. But soon.

With the watering, every 6hrs is fine although I think I will dial it back to 5 mins. I get too much off 5 and not enough off 2 of them. But I have 4 prongs in each and 6 in my 7gal bag, so all of it is getting wet without dry spots. Or at least that’s the idea. It’s only been 3 days now and I’ve been unabble to collect the ro due to my hand. But they look ok so I’m going with that. I thought I had to keep it wet wet wet always. Watering twice a day wouldn’t have been a big deal for me, but the 5 or 6x a day was killing me and is why I splurged on the system. Lol! I did come across another site that is saying it isn’t necessary. Wasn’t going to change things up this late in the game on a Crop that I believe will be a decent producer. That I couldn’t be happier with.

Here are some shots today. 2 of them are just too big to crop out so they are original.


Yeah the whole correlation with multiple feedings is based on pot size and desired speed of growth. Coco is very versatile to bend to your desires. Awesome job thus far!


Well, I’d take any of your thoughts and ideas on it to blend in with what I’ve already been taught and figured out and come up with plans to try for future grows. You straight do CoCo and Perlite, right?


You might want to get some inline ball valves for your feed lines, you could turn down the ones that runoff too much so the others will be balanced.


We run coco and perlite in a variety of ways. But we have been trending a direction… decreased pot size, increased perlite ratio, increased feed events. Right now in 1 gallon pots with 60% perlite.

Coco does best with a 90-100% saturation as long as everything else falls in line with that.

Track run off and try to keep your numbers in check.

Here is a chart I put together

Here is some info by jacks for understanding input and run off…


Perfect, and the plants look great. Keep doing what you’re doing Growmie :love_you_gesture:


@OGIncognito Thanks Dude. I’m really paying attention to things this time. Mostly with the help @Gl1tch, as he has pretty much walked me through this entire grow and his insight on my light was just unbelievably undeniable and I doubt anybody else would have come up with it. Did you all read that part of this journal. Dude is wicked smaaart. Hopefully it will continue as good as it’s been throughout harvest and curing. It has taken up the majority if my time, which is why I haven’t been here a whole lot lately, but looks like it might pay off. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

@Low Thanks for the infographs and the info. The 7 gallon is my biggest, most are 1 and 3 gallon and a few 5 gallon. I tried to base the size of pot on how I knew the roots to be on the 3 strains I’m growing. But I guess it’s different each time, same strains or not. I am mixing about 60% Perlite. It wasn’t what was recommended but as I’ve gone along the medium just LOOKS more right with that much. If that makes sense. Idk if I’ll use the 1 gallon bags any more though. I got them for the Autos because Phylos said the Lime Glow showed best in 1 gallon pots without any pruning or training. They are just awfully small for a newb to fool with. At least this one. I do like the 3 gallon though. Honestly, through most of this grow, once the bottoms seem to be too wet to be any good, I have stirred it with my skewers to provide more aeration and then let them go for a day or two until they dry out some and then start up again. I always get way more ro than I should. I only give them 18-24oz each time, the one in the 7gal gets 30oz. Everytime I try to cut it back they don’t drip at all, but when I give them that I get way more back. Idk. It’s weird. I do know my numbers have been in check for the 2 or 3 weeks prior to the install. So I am happy about that finally.

And now, @Growdoc In-line ball valves. Jomini Crickets what is THIS going to cost me for 30 28 drippers? Lol! Maybe next grow, if this one is successful.

So… I guess I will be flipping 7 tomorrow. Their light goes out at 10 a.m. each morning, so that’ll be the time.

Thanks y’all so much for your knowledge and encouragement at this late hour of my game - Karen


Yes the smaller the pots the more intervention is needed. No doubt about that. I am thoroughly enjoying the 60% ratio and 1 gal pots. As with everything, tackling it appropriately brings results. I enjoyed 3, 5, and 7 gal pots. Less labor intensive. Automation has allowed me to control the parameters better with smaller pots. However the amount of nutrients and water we burn through is insane. Lol.

The key to any grow is finding balance. Both in life, and in the numbers.


Not a lot!


Ball valves are great for on/off operations, but a needle valve or gate valve is better to regulate flow if you can find them at the hardware store.


Good catch @Gl1tch those would be a little touchy to regulate!


Ok. Ok. Now for the question of the hour… First though @Low , absolutely gorgeous. Now, with that said and out of the way, if I did flip in the morning, what the hell am I supposed to do with this 20 some gallons of mixed late veg stage nites I have??? Throw it away? Surely not? It’s only like a weeks worth. Can I continue with it until it’s gone and then switch to the Flowering Nutes? Or do I just let them continue growing in veg for another 5 or 6 days and then flip them? Thoughts?


Thank you! I’d use them personally. But I run the same nutrient ratio from front to back. I don’t change for any stage :call_me_hand:t3:


Cool. Thank ya Sir. I have read some people talk about not using them at all. To me that is most odd. But I guess they are alright with it. Have an amazing weekend!


You too! :grin:

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