Sharing my first pics.......would like comments

These are my first pics to share. She is 42 days old today. I’ve never had people to help me know if I’m doing this right. Does she look good for her age? Do you spot any problems? What should I expect?

This is the first plant where I have used the lattice work and pinned down the top cola. She stands about 24” as seen.

I would like to share weekly pics and get help knowing when it’s a good time to harvest.


Did you defoliate? And what kind of lighting are you working with?


I use a Yaiyan Y-D20 400w light. I have trimmed a few large fan leaves. mostly I have tried to stick with bending the leaves out of the way.


Pardon me. I replied on the board.


Nice work Grow Bro, she looks a little over-fed on the nitrogen. Dark green waxy leaves with the leaf tips pointing down are a symptom of this :love_you_gesture:


thanks for the tip


Looking good. If you need any help just ask someone will come along shortly :smiling_face:


Sharing my first pics…….would like comments

You are asking stoners for comments on pictures of mull plants :slight_smile:

Sorry but I love titles like that because I can make silly comments about them :slight_smile:

Apart from the lack of leaves it looks good (and I’m not stoned).

Is the plant 42 days from when it first germinated or 42 days since the first flower appeared?

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Well the story was interesting but I don’t see any pics. I read better with pictures or even pop out books :joy::joy::joy:.


as long as it’s not an adult’s only pop up book. oh my look at that thing sticking up :slight_smile:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: it’s like a rocket ship it just took off. But for real without pics can’t tell you anything growbro.

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There are pics. I’ve had a few comment on them. I’m not sure what the problem might be. I’m new to this site.


i was replying to @randylilgnome



Sharing my first pics…….would like comments

You are asking stoners for comments on pictures of mull plants :slight_smile:

Sorry but I love titles like that because I can make silly comments about them :slight_smile:

Apart from the lack of leaves it looks good (and I’m not stoned).

Is the plant 42 days from when it first germinated or 42 days since the first flower appeared?

and welcome to the forum.

ok i see the confusion i should stop wake an baking … my bad lol

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fill this out as best you can and from this many growers can help you with almost any problems.
Happy Growing GrowBro, an sry for the confusion

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sorry we were just mucking around talking about adult pop up books. we get sidetracked easily :slight_smile:

  1. This is an indoor grow, ~2 x 2.5 closet.
  2. seeds from ILGM
  3. autoflower
  4. city tap water
  5. have not checked pH
  6. grow in Fox Farm Ocean Forest
  7. I use ILGM nutrients
  8. my main light is a Yaiyan Y-D20 400w. I also use some aux light with the side reflectors
  9. the room they are in is kept between 70-78 F. (I did just order a light and temp gage, not yet here)
  10. RH changes, 30 to 55 average.
  11. will use humidifier when it drops into the 20’s. otherwise I use the house AC and outside air when cool enough.
  12. I vent the closet with a half door with openings at top and bottom. A swivel fan continually runs along the outside bottom. a smaller fan is used to move the air at the top of the closet.
  13. No CO2
  14. I have been growing for more than a year, but that has been mostly trial and error. This is the first time I have reached out to others.
  15. keeping it budget at the moment
  16. no hydro

I have added different pics that I hope are easier to see. I planted her on Oct 17 and she sprouted on the 20th. These pics are from today. Would it be appropriate to post a pic from each week of her growth? They were taken in grow light, not white.


its your grow journal post as many pics as you want to.


Here is a weekly pic for this Granddaddy Purple Auto. Please excuse the grow light photos. (pics are day 7, 14, 21, 28, 35)

My question is: “Am I doing this right?”


From what I’m seeing she looks healthy and happy.


Why you not checking the PH?