Sex ID for the new grower!

Ok, so some folks are just starting out, thats great! One person asked " how can I tell the sex of my plant? "
Have a look at this and try to guess if its a boy plant or a girl plant?

The white hairs are a dead give away! If you notice there are also 2 green sorta hairlike protrusions those are stipules, both boys and girls get those and they are visible long before the girl parts!

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I’m very late and first time growing. My guess is it is a girl? Or is it to early to tell?

Im sorry, did you post a picture?

Yes the picture I posted is clearly a female.

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Yes I’m a new grower myself and I never knew it would be this hard telling if it’s a girl or boy. So yeah I was taking my guess with the picture you posted.
As for myself, I just entered the flowering stage (28 days since flip) and I have 3 GG#4 photos. All started same time & everything is the same. Well I just had one Hermie on me :sob::sob: Had to remove it from the others and now I’m really struggling to tell if my other 2 hermied also. Trouble telling the difference between the boy part (which is a little ball looking thing) or a caylx ( I think it’s called?) Anyways here are a few pictures of my other 2 plants and maybe you can tell me if they have turned boy also :sob::sob::sob:
Boy or girl?

Looks all girl to me

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@Daggy_2.0 Thank God! Reassurance is a good feeling!

Have u got a photo of this hermie?

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I do actually. Not the best but you can see a nanner in one of the buds. After I noticed one, I started looking and they were everywhere! Many, many, many! Also she was only 21 days into flowering!

Her white hairs went from white to orange in just 21 days!

What do u think hermied her? Gg is the misses fav strain by far

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Yeah the 2 onion looking things close to the main stem is a latent swollen calyx, girly part. A male flower has a stem that separates it from the stalk, and typically has a cluster of pods that will flower. The flowers only spread pollen when they are open.

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@Daggy_2.0 I think I stressed her one to many times. Especially with watering her. I knew they liked wet/dry cycles and I went extreme on the dry part 3 separate times! She literally looked like she was dead because of under watering. This picture is her under watered. Happened 3 separate times but she always popped right back up after I gave her water. At least I hope it was stress and not genetics. Seeds were from here (ILGM)

Before water and after water pictures.
As you can see, the other 2 have been threw the same stress factors but so far they are doing great. Just stared day 30 of flower. The one that Hermied, I noticed the nanners a few days ago and moved her out the room. All I can do now is pray I moved her out soon enough.

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