Seeds just went into the dirt πŸ˜ƒ

After some problems in the beginning, which a bunch of you try to help me with and I really appreciate that. Most of the seeds grew a little tail/root and I just put them into some solos. Since I’m new to this, should I just keep them next to a sunny window or should I put them in my tent under lights?

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Windows are made to block out UVA/UVB light, so plants as light hungry as weed just get stretched and long. You are better to use light in tent for sure. Happy growing :smiley:

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good luck and happy growing, go in the tent for sure

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`Tent for sure, but dial it down or raise it up physically. Seedlings don’t need to be blasted with light immediately. Raise the intensity as they grow, but at first too much can be deadly.


Put a dome on top of them and spray the inside of the dome. That should keep it moist for a few days.


Congrats and good luck on your grow!

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Thanks for all the info y’all