Seedlings continue to slow & stunt growth after day 10 veg

Hey cannafam,

I’m on grow number 15 or so however I’m in any location and for whatever reason I popped 6 seeds they grew about an inch in height started them and solo cups, did not change the lighting (using T5’s w/ hood & tent)

The light is expelling approx. 5,000-5500 lumens, however, I haven’t watered in almost 2 weeks & they seem to be coming back to life.

This attached picture is assorted:
Left cup: Week 3
Middle Cups: Week 2
Right Side Cups: Just popped

The medium is about 40% perlite, 50% coco & 10% potting soil.

I believe my g/f gave them extra water while was away (slowing growth), they seem to be coming back to life… but week 3… on the left side, so tiny…

Temp Avg: 75-78°
Humidity Avg: 60-70%

Any suggestions as to why my seedlings continue to stunt & almost stop growing would be appreciated. This isnt my first go around. However, i am using stronger lighting (appropriate height for appropriate light strength) than usual…

This is my second germination at this new location, following my same regimen for 5 years, WHY ARE MY SEEDLINGS stunting after week2 veg? - second time in a row this happenened.

Input appreciated. Namate cannafam.

Welcome to the forum, lots of great people around to help. Am a first time grower. That’s an interesting medium your growing in. You used it before? Why the heavy perlite?