Seedling doesn't seem like it's growing bigger

Question from a fellow grower:

I have a question to verify my growing methods. Back on the 11th of Jan I had planted a germinated seed in soil. Two days later I see it start to peek out of the top of the soil. Currently, it seems like it is kind of stagnant and not much is happening and I am hoping that is normal. I have attached a picture of the seedling’s current state. Not much has changed in the past six days and I am hoping it isn’t dead or damaged or anything like that. The conditions are as follows: -~70 degrees -humidity is high (Ziploc bag over the seedling to keep moisture in -soil has been at the low-moist region -I keep an LED grow light on it for extra warmth for about 20 hours a day -I am using Fox Farm Ocean Soil with about 20% perlite mixed in -PH value is around 6.8 - 7 or so I have searched (maybe not well enough) for the average lifespan of the major stages of life for a cannabis plant. Are you able to outline an average lead time in each stage? Seedling = ? Vegetative = ? Flowering = ? I really appreciate your hel


When my seedlings have poked out of the ground, they grow a inch, and then stop and work in their roots and leaves. Got any pics and do your leaves have a nice green color so far?

Welcome to the forum.


The first two to three weeks were slow for me, then it exploded in growth.


Pretty common for growth to be minimal while root base is developing. Seems like most will consider a plant a seedling until it has a couple sets of leaves. Then veg periods will vary a lot depending on what particular growing method is. But you should expect a minimum of something like 4 weeks. That allows plant to mature enough to produce flowers. That would also be in line with standard nutrient schedules. Longer veg times can be run to create a bigger plant with higher yield potential though. Just depends on the grower. Flowering times will usually run 8-10 weeks from the time you see pistils under 12/12. There are exceptions based on mostly genetics, and also some environmental factors.


I’m pretty much in same situation, my sprout went in my hempy cup on the 12th, came out with a couple leaves then nothing more topside nothing since then. Just waiting for the explosion.


I have some new seeds in paper towels baggies ina humidity dome with a seedling heat mat underneath. Two out of three seeds are showing a small root. Normally I wait til there is about a quarter of an inch of root, then I plant. My question is, should I plant the small sprout or should I continue to wait until they are bigger?? Please help.

Yup, me too. Mine sprouted around the 10th/11th, grew a bit for the first few days, and since then they’ve seem to have stalled. I’m hoping they’re just growing their root system and within the next few days / week will start growing upside again. Until they do I’m going to be on edge!

Hey gang, sorry for the late response - I appreciate the input so far. So this started out as a support question so I believe the image was dropped in the process of making this ticket. Anywho, I have posted the photo below:

As you can see, there is a big of brown on the end so I am not sure if that is normal or if it is just a dead piece that will eventually fall off. With that being said, it sounds like this growth rate is normal. It just seemed crazy because it took like four or five days from germ to it’s current state and then it just stopped hah. Thank you all for the input, I really appreciate it.

One of mine had the seed shell stuck on it like yours. Some people say pull it off and others say leave it on till it falls off. I’m a newbie so I can’t call it. @MattyBear or @dbrn32 or @Covertgrower can tell u better than me I pulled mine off and it seemed to stunt it.

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You can very gently remove it or wait a little and see if it will shed it on its own :v:


I would give a little bit and see if it falls on it’s own. If not, gently try to remove it.


Well, in the photo I posted, on the left side of the head, it seems like that brown is part of the leaf and not the seed :confused: Now, maybe you all have seen this in the past and can confirm this is a part of the shell (maybe some skin of the seed or something). If it is a part of the seed, I will just let it do it’s thing naturally.

Thanks all.

I’m not an expert but that is a sucker leaf. Mine have never been brown so I must let the experts tell u what’s up @MattyBear may be able to help.

Give it a day and you’ll know for sure :v:

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Cool, sounds good to me. Thanks again gang!

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Just be patient, I germ. 4of4 ilgm seeds. They all popped, 1 blueberry auto, 2 NL autos and 1 amnesia haze…the NLs popped out of soil but leaves haven’t opened all that well, blueberry still in soil. Amnesia Haze is only one looking like a mj seedling and growing well…going on 4days old…

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It has been awhile since i have grown in soil but i have had seedlings go stagnant before…

A couple of things to consider…

  1. Let the soil completely dry out, many seedlings really need allot of oxygen to the roots and the wet soil doesn’t allow for this very well.
  1. Also, even though perlite increases water draining and oxygen levels at the roots, seedling roots aren’t strong enough to grow through it. Instead they have to grow around it, which can slow a seedlings growth. No biggie, as the plant grows this won’t be a problem.
  1. Remember, seedlings don’t need much light. since your light is an LED, You can raise your light 3’ - 4’ and seedlings will still experience great growth.

  2. Watch your cotelydons! I have had seedlings that growth was stunted and eventually the cotelydons died, if this happens then your plant is not eating unless you add fertilizer.

Hope this helps a little


to date it is 11 days from popping out of the ‘soil’.?
if i m reading this correctly…
pull the seed shell off, it is on the right side of your pic,
the browning of the undeveloped cotyledon looks like over-watering,
the pic looks like wet ‘soil’, like Willy said… let em dry some.!!

if it is 11 days of growth,
do not wait, act now, u r 7 or 8 days behind helping her.!

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Hell i just now seen that pic lol… Ya get the shell off for starters and snap another pic of her and see if you can post it


Sorry all, busy week. So I removed the shell a few days ago and it seems to have grown a little bit so I think my main issue (if you would call it an issue) is the temp of the room. I know it should be warmer, but ~72 - 75 degrees is about as warm as it can get this time of year. Here are two new pics.

Oh, and I have let it dry out for a few days. Soil is now on the very low end of moist. Top is barely wet.

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