Seedlings Autos - Foxfarm/Coco mix

My first 2 grows were in fox farm Happy Frog and Ocean Forest.

This grow I decided to go with Mother Earth Coco Coir Perlite Mix but after the seedlings sprouted in a paper towel, I decided to plant them into the final 3 gal pot.

I was concerned starting the new sprouts in cococoir, so I placed about one cup of foxfarms Happy Frog in the center top of the pot that was filled with coco coir and placed the seed into the small area of Happy Frog Soil.

Since I have done further research, and what I did may have implications in the future.

Should I:

  • just continue and ph water to 6.3 slowly lowering to 6 and then 5.8 over the next few weeks.

  • try to remove the growing seedling plant and change out the coco coir with Foxfarms.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.


I wouldn’t worry about 1 cup for PH purposes. I would recommend a PH of 5.8-6.2, the seedling is using almost no nutrients from the soil during the 1st 12 days or so. I would also recommend watering a larger ring around the base of the seedling and keep the temps around 78-82 with an RH of 65-75% :love_you_gesture:


Hey @OGIncognito so you recommend watering a ring the size of a solo cup through its seedling stage? Im about to get some seeds from Multiverse beans and really dont want to stunt this one.

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Yes several inches away from the stem to promote root growth, they’ll spread out searching for moisture. I do this for several weeks :love_you_gesture:

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