I have an auto flower that sprouted about 5 days ago. 2 days ago the weather was going to be cold so with it being in my shed i put a different bulb in so it would stay warm. I essentially shriveled all of the leaves up to about 1/8" from the center. As soon as i seen what happened i switched the bulb back and re watered it. Today it hasnt changed at all. Is there any chance of her surviving?
I pronounce it dead.
I am sorry to say that I don’t see much of a future for that one as it appears to be cooked.
It is remotely possible for it to survive but don’t get your hopes up. If it were mine, I would chalk is up to experience and drop another seed.
I figured as much. Thanks.
Her feet were too wet.
Eggshell! Nice, but did you have any drainage? Also very small container to sprout in.
I would suggest 32 oz sized eggshell, maybe Ostrich?
An opaque solo cup, with lots of drainage holes melted into the bottom, is the perfect seedling container.
I did crack the bottom of the shell a little but i dont think it was enough to have any drainage. I was planning in transplanting it today had i not switched lights on it.
Try transplanting it. It can’t hurt to try
Will do! This only my second time. My first went well just took longer than i wanted due to not changing light cycles till about 6 MONTHS later.
Did you get much out of it? You need some lights dude.
Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…! Hope you had a plan B. Sorry.
Im happy to say that i dont live there anymore and have a better set up but i did get a decent amount. Couldve gotten more if i didnt let her get so tall.
The baby is dead. Suggest you stop using egg shells.
Use a clear plastic cup…then you can see the roots progress and know when to transplant.
@Jaythe420prophet if you got them through budding with those two little bulbs you’ve got mad skills. Lmmfao you’re gonna have people wondering why their plants won’t do the same thing with their desk lights. What other light did you have? Was it one of the Amazon leds that are about $60 from China, and are decent for veggin a couple of plants? They turned out damn good either way
Just normal soft white bulbs. Nothing special. Just something cheap and quick to put up. I was broke so i did what i could to make it work. First grow too.