Maybe I’m just stressing it or worrying too soon. Anyways my little seed has rose out the soil just barely because I let my tap root grow almost a inch (on purpose) to put the taproot further down and have the seed bear the top of the soil. So basically it’s made it thru the little bit of soil I had on top of it but 10 hours later it’s looking the same so not sure if I should see what’s going on or leave it be because it’s just doing it’s thing. Seems like it stopped after breaking the soil. Below are pics. Right now I have a humidity dome on it and some lower powered multiple color lights that are good for seedlings. Fox farm happy frog soil. I started by soaking the soil down then planting the seed already germinated and very white with the hairs etc into the soil covered it lightly and put my cup over it for moisture. Did I do anything wrong? Something I should’ve also done? Or should I wait longer and if so how long etc? Most likely just worrying however I really don’t want this seed to die as it’s supposed to be a special “blue kush” seed from a guy in cali who apparently had something special before he died. Any help would be appreciated! Seed is also a photo not auto.
@Graysin @Mark0427 @beachglass @plumbdand @Audiofreak @merlin44 @MidwestGuy @OGIncognito @Oldguy @Ozark
I would suggest patience. That said, there is some risk if you let the tap root get too long before placing it in medium (soil in your case, same as me). I try to get them into soil when the little root is about 1/4" long. One inch seems a bit long to me.
Many people let the tap root get long like you did with great success.
In closing I will say again to be patient and don’t fuss with it too much.
Yea if it makes a difference it’s not quite a inch and I’ve heard that it’s good to go about 1/2 a inch and slightly more just to have it in the soil and ready to raise up. Idk how much truth it is to that but I’ve had a couple people say that. I guess I will be more patient and just leave it be. I don’t need to water it or do anything just keep the cup wet/humid? Do I need to mist soil etc? Not on seed but around it?
Please post picts in white light. Cant see anything in purple.
I make the soil very moist before putting the seed in it…I don’t water again until the soil starts to dry out over a week later.
Exactly what I did!
Patience. All is good.
Is it normal for it to just stop and sit there tho? After breaking soil? I just put it under the soil wed night and this is where I am now. Which makes me wonder
Also tho as I said below to @Newt its been under soil since wed night. That’s why I made the post thinking it should be further along.
Will do in just a minute
The way I look at it, once it is in the soil there is not much that I should or can do for it. Sometimes they seem to take right off and other times they fiddle about before anything happens.
If it were mine, I would sit tight.
It has to orient itself, and set up home. Life is robust. Patience.
Like the others have said “Patience Grasshopper”
My rule of thumb is tap root 1/4" to 1/2" = in the soil it goes. I only plant it down 1/8" deep too.
Just wait… 80% chance she is okay. Wait 24 hrs to look at her again to reduce your stress ans stop you from prematurely intervening.
Good luck, you’ve got this
Is it being at this place since wed night around 9pm normal however? And haha ever since I started growing patience is the hardest thing ever
Thank you! I hope it’s ok! It’s been in the soil since wed at 9pm but hasn’t moved since last night which worries me.