Not sure if this is the best place to post this (new to forums) but my seedling needs a little help.
After germinating the seeds we sowed them in some fox farm dirt and covered them with Saran Wrap for about 48 hours and when I saw the first sprout I noticed that the dirt of all three have this white fuzz, can’t tell if it’s grey mold or white mold, but I’m wondering what the best way to handle this is, are they salvageable/safe. First grow here so any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!
Soil is too wet, needs to me much drier. I would stop watering.
You can dome them with a plastic cup and not water for the first 10-14 days.
Should I just let the soil dry out and not water it for a little while to kill the mold or try to remove the top layer of soil? So the seedling should be fine?
Honestly, I would trash it. Your soil looks like it’s holding water. Get a bag of Fox Farms Ocean Forest or another recommended soil and start over. Seeds are cheap. The sprout looks fine, the soil…not so much.
The mold will take care of itself with proper time letting it dry. It’s not uncommon for organic soils such as fox farms to get mold, it’s actually how organic decomposition works.
Nothing to worry about, don’t baby them and just let them grow for a week without water.
The soil is Fox Farm’s Ocean Forest. I think the Saran Wrap help too much humidity. I sowed the germinated seeds in moist soil and added about 5ml of water the next day, guess the soil wasn’t as dry as I thought…
Thank you!!
You’re welcome. The scientific name for that is mycelium, it’s a fungus that breaks down organic matter into plant usable minerals.
Yes humidity was the cause but it’s not a problem, humidity and warmth are your friend during the seedling stage.
Seedlings pull all the moisture they need through their leaves, they do not have a root system strong enough yet. Keeping humidity high and the soil slightly moist lets them build a root system quickly while the soil is easy to move through.
If they are in peat pots, they hold too much water and don’t allow roots to get any oxygen.
Yeah, they are in a “Cowpots” I’m glad I found this in time and took the wrap off, one of the three have sprouted. I noticed that the one sprouting has the root already coming out of the bottom, should I throw it in a 1 gallon pot already?
Thank you! I was about to say the same thing.
My wife tried starting indoor gardening veggies and flowers…started seeds in those kind of pots… really took the wind out of her sales…after all the mold and wetness issues.
I would transplant them right away. I have seen a lot of stunted plants on here from peat pots or similar.