Seed pod stuck 🌱

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

So I did my routine 12 hour soak the Solo cup of peroxided water. From there 10 hours in a moist napkin. as always within 24 hours a nice Taproot pops out.

I immediately transfer to a solo cup of Happy Frog soil tap Root up normally this will shred the seed pod husk off.

This is the first time it didn’t work. As you can see from the picture below the seed is cracked open pretty nicely nevertheless the leaves are not popping out.

Would you just leave it alone? And eventually it will fall off. The seedling stage the most important stage growth and I really don’t want to be playing with it. I simply put a dome back over it and put it back in the tent. What’s your thoughts guys

That second pic looks like the hull is pretty well split and might come off pretty easy. I’ve had the clear membrane get stuck on the leaves and need to be peeled off though.

Just my armchair observation…


I could have left the first picture out it’s a very bad picture. Message cracked open pretty good. Hopefully a day or so I’ll get a better idea what’s going on

While it sounds bad, a little spit and a gentle toothpick work and it will usually slip off.
Water works but spit has a bit more slipperiness to it. Let it set a minute after getting it moistened and very gently remove it with a one pick while holding the stem from moving with another. Be careful as at this age its very easy to pull it out of the soil.

I will note that they do sometimes fall off on their own
I have had them rot in the shell if left too long too.
So its a hard choice sometimes.

If your have the dexterity You can do this…


It just popped this morning. I’ll give it 24 hours to naturally do what it’s going to do. At that time I think the risk is worth taking and attempting to pop it off. For the record, I’m not good at titling with anything. If I can’t break it it ain’t broke! :thinking:


FYI if you drop those seeds a little deeper the hulls will drop off before they get above the surface.
As stated before a little spit will soften the hull and help out. I have read that it is the enzymes in saliva that softens the hulls. Also if you have to remove the hull manually, there with be a skin like membrane covering the leaf tips, and holding them together. You can gently rub these off with a toothpick, or a wet fingertip.


Do as @Spiney_norman says. I’ve done it many times. It’s not to hard usually. I actually have a dental tool that is very pointy that works well.


I hated to see that shell there. I took a pair of needle nose extra thin tweezers and held one end and gently use the scalpel and pulled the other end and it slipped right off. Thank you @Spiney_norman

I’m assuming the membrane was not there as the leaves are separated and I didn’t see anything looking through a microscope. She’s free and on her way :seedling: it’s an old school original chemdawg and I only had one seed. I’ve been wanting to try this strand for a very long time. Thank you everybody :heart:


Cool, I guess you are breathing again by now. I have done that many times but it is still a little nerve racking.


Glad to see your situation resolved itself, looks like plants did what they do best. Just grow. Lol

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I moisten the helmet head and after an hour perform surgical assisting shell removal.

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