Being a newbie at this I have a quick “?” I have a rope netting with 6 inch square openings IS this to large of openings to scrog or will it be sufficient. ALL input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Yes, in fact you can have smaller openings than that and be more than fine…
Scrog and sea of green are two different growing styles btw
I did my first and only SCROG at 1.75" spacing. It was too small in my opinion and resulted in too dense of vegetation, leading to struggle with sufficient airflow, leading to white powdery mildew. I did get a ton of bud sites though.
Thank you for your response. I will use what I have and stop stressing on to much info !
IMHO 6" squares are not ideal - a little on the large side - but as long as you can keep the screen tight (i.e. not drooping, not a lot of play in it) it should work fine. Think of each line in the grid as a path for a branch and train along them, not to the center of the squares.
I prefer a rectangular screen opening (about 4 X 6) because it seems to make it easier to thread and tuck branches. I make my screen out of nylon twine suspended from a pvc frame.
My only real advice is to use one screen per plant and not to put multiples in one as you will inevitably have to extract one from the rest for some reason.
If you can figure out how to FIM your plant that makes 4 tops which will thread diagonally out to all four corners beautifully.
I like to do a single topping. Then I get matched sides of the plant, and I super crop those two main stems down to the screen… the branches coming off of each them run perpendicular to the main, and if I’ve managed my light properly, I can come pretty close to having nodes line up with the strings. Close enough to allow me to have each branch follow a string to the edge. This makes it pretty easy for me to adjust tie downs as the plant grows through the stretch - I usually just loosen them and slide them out, then tighten them back up.
See? You tie down; I tuck under. Just goes to show there are many more ways to do it right than the book says lol. I’ve never done a SCROG correctly yet haha!
Absolutely. My first couple of attempts I did the tuck under method, weaving through the screen, etc… I had a hard time in my brain following every branch when I did it that way and failed to anticipate new growth properly… using the tie-down method for whatever reason just allows my brain to more easily get the plant to match the vision in my head.
I do 4x4 squares. My net is 48x48 and that was easy to get them evenly spaced. I let them grow through the net approximately 8", then super crop and tie them down. When I get the screen approximately 60% full, I flip my lights and continue tying down until I have flower. Due to new change in growing, I won’t be able to do it that way anymore. Just started new crop while these are flowering, and when they finish, the next ones will be ready to flower. I will bend them down (or super crop) and put my net on top of them. As you can see, and was stated before, you can do very many ways. You’re just trying to keep your canopy even to get more light to each bud. DON’T STRESS
Thank you all for the great input. I will b doin 3 plants and I have already topped them but I had to reduce the size of my grow area and use more reflective mylar due to lighting issues. HLG just got restocked with their 288 v2 Quantum boards and already sold out ! I’m using my Flourescent fixture so need better light intensity. I did not do to bad on last grow with an OG-kush, I entered it in the bud of the month for February. I topped it and did LST on it came out pretty good. I know better lighting will provide better yields. Here is a pic of it !
Got a thread on that anywhere?
This one is my original journal
Here’s the current one:
@Myfriendis410, Thanks!
I will go check it out!
That’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to build a PVC cage for my mainline plants. When I decide to do a ScrOG also, I can double it as a screen with some nylon or something.
My first grow could have passed for a scrog. There was so kuch LST and horizontal training. The 3 girls used the whole 3x4 tent with a very flat canopy.
My first grow can only pass as a good lesson in what not to do.
Here was my faux ScrOG lol. They were all stretched out as far as they would. The first half of my first grow was just disaster after disaster. Then I figured it out decent enough to finish.
That’s beautiful. That’s a nicely managed group of plants - how big is the tent?