SCROG a 2' plant

Ok guys, so I decided I was going to do something a little crazy to my SCROG girl.
I’m actually in the process of starting a new pruning technique. It’s really simple, but I haven’t seen others do it so I believe I’m the first to give it go. My plan/technique; Now that new growth has filled the screen as much as possible, I’m going to top EVERY branch. So if I have 20 bud sites now filling the screen, after I top I should have 40! That’s the goal. Top everything in the screen, let it heal and grow straight up for flower cycle. Never heard of anyone doing it, so I’m going to try it out. Maybe I’ll call it “treezing” haha or “treez cropping”.
If anyone has any advice or tips, or maybe someone thinks I’m an idiot haha, feel free to let me know! I’ll make sure the thread is kept updated daily.

Today I topped every single branch that was coming through the net. In a day or two she should heal and start growing straight up again. Then put into flower for stretch, and away we go!


Interesting idea. I wish you all the best.

I’ve read in other forums that topping more than 3-4 times, it starts to decrease total yield as the extra buds just won’t grow as heavy. But I think it’s worth giving a go as fast as she’s growing, you may end up with a monster!


I guess id disagree there, your pretty much bound to get a higher yield, even if its only slightly, theres just no way the two “tops” would amount to being less than half the size if not topped- if that makes sense.

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If you directing at me, see quote. After 3-4 toppings, you’ve split that main cola into 8-16 smaller

No I’m not topping the same cola over and over! I’m topping all over my plant, keeping her growing exactly as I want, while also doubling colas. Ive topped all my new growth at this point, the new branches that have reached up to the canopy.

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Updated pictures

As you can tell, she’s growing like CRAZY! I already topped all the main branches so the smaller ones still had time to reach up. I’ll be topping once more before flower.


That’s one hell of a :evergreen_tree: you got going my friend!!! It’s going super fast…

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lol, and you wanted a healthy stalk!

The Keebler cookie elves could make a home in that trunk.


Hahaha yea dude it’s awesome to watch how thick these plants can become! I’d love to see a mother plant after a year! Thanks @bobbyb and @kabongster

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Pandora called, it wants that plant back!


Wow, I can’t wait to see that thing in flower. Probably want to hold on to some of those genes!

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Nice! Looking great!!:thumbsup:

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Thanks guys! I already have cloned her 4 times, but i keep taking more and more haha!


Glad to see you back on! Have a new pic of your beast? Lol

I’ll have update pics up for you guys in the morning!

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Updated pictures

So after changing the water out today, I decided I would do something crazy. This plant started without a SCROG, and I had only added it because I had the SCROG net and wanted to try it out lol. But now, if I want to get her into flower I’ll have to wait until my Blueberry is done because they fit together in the flower tent. So, I decided I should take the SCROG net off now! That’s right, I’m going to take it off. Then, put her into flower with the Blueberry. It will still be a tight fit, but I don’t want to wait 4 more weeks to put her into flower, she’s already getting massive! This is definitely a new style of SCROG for sure, so I’ll keep it all updated for everyone.

Since she’s growing so big, and I’d like to keep her short I did a prune on her today. All of it was from the bottom of the SCROG net, below the actual canopy. Mostly fan leaves and new branches that weren’t going to produce much. The stress from pruning should help with keeping her short in the upcoming flower stretch that she’s going to go through. Here’s pictures from after the pruning.

I also took 2 new clones today from her. My cloner has been great for me lately and I’m loving it!


I was trying to see how old she is, best guess about 3 months? With months to go in flower?
She is looking more Rubenesque…a :whale2: :whale: of a plant!

btw, root photos?

Yea she’s about 3 months old at this point, and wants to start budding for me haha!
I will put a root pic up tonight for you @kabongster

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She came from a friend of mine who said it was a female seed but he didn’t know what strain because he mixed up his seeds accidentally. I grew it so I could experiment and try some new things on it without being mad if anything happened to her because it was a free unknown seed anyway. It’s why I ended up putting the SCROG net on even after she was already so tall, I still wanted to experiment. So now, I’ll do even more experimenting with her when I take the SCROG net off and put her into flower later tonight. I’ll post pictures.

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