Running out of height space

So I’ve got one plant that’s just about touching my lighting.
The light has been moved to the highest point …

Thoughts or suggestions on this ??




Bend it over and tie it down. I had to do that last grow on two plants. Just be careful to not go to far but you will be surprised at how far you can bend it. Use a piece of cloth or Twine that want cut into the plant. The end of the plant will be turned back up in a day or so. Good luck and send pictures


Ditto to Supercropping. I’m assuming since it’s so tall, it’s full on flowering. Bending over won’t work as well because the stems are probably fairly thick and non-bendable.


Isn’t super cropping a high-stress training technique that involves pinching and bending branches to damage the inner fibers while leaving the outer lining intact?

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I also thought you do super cropping before flowering. Is this wrong? I learn new stuff that helps my grow be better daily. Thank you all for that.


A pict would help us see your girl.


I try to do all of my torture techniques prior to flowering but sometimes it’s needed. Sometime they happen by accident LOL… I had a plant last year that had a HUGE branch snap right off at the main stem and I taped it right to the trunk.

This one just grew like this. I figured it was going to die so I didn’t mend it and it grew all the way to the end like this.

Is it ideal? No.

Will it work? Yes.

Is it better than letting the bud grow into the light and getting fried? Absolutely

I’m getting near flowering and still super-cropping.


This is what ive called suppercropping.


Thanks for all the input.
I’m sure I’ll figure things out, just never had actually get all the to the light since I do typically grow indica strains… This particular plant is a hybred that apparently has heavy sativa genetics.


That is so cool to know wow

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LOL… you’re obviously much more gentle than I am hahaha. I rol the stem around, then flop it over. they usually just make a 90 degree by the next morning :wink:


Dont know about gentle…hell i broke her in half!


I would also supercrop


For now I managed to tie the light fixture to the top bar. That gained around 6" of extra space.

I may still end up super cropping it, not sure yet. There’s some concern with the canopy being various distances…

Tucked some large fan leafs , but those may also end up having to go soon… we’ll see how tucking them plays out…


I know it’s a old thread but I’m in the same predicament. Plants are stretching past recommended distance (18 - 24”)from lamp. There about 12” away. Not all the bud sites but about 1/2. I keep turning the power down on lamps to get the needed ppfd but it’s it’s probably effecting the other buds. They are near the end of 3 week of flower I can probably raise another inch or two if I rig up zip ties but then Im worry of fire from driver being to close to tent top. Any suggestions? Thinking about some high stress training but that many sites might stress them to much

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Your concern is understandable. You’ll most likely have to super crop the sites that are nearest the lighting and ride it out … It’s a better option then chopping it … Just do what ya can, that’s all ya can do.


Yea your right just thought I had to get it off my chest.
Been using jacks for the first time , I usually go organic and I can’t believe the difference. Thanks

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That’s a stalk holy smokes

About the height this is troubling to me. She’s is talking to me but I’m not understanding her lol
There is a few buds in the back of my tent that are 3 times the size of the others. In the beginning of 4 th week.
Is it because they are getting less light back there ? The majority of tops are getting around 8 to 9 hundred ppfd those back there I’m not sure , I can’t get back there but I’m guessing 600 ppfd ?
I left them veg to long
Any one what’s to take a stab please. Thanks

Maybe its getting a more even light back there with the reflection off of the tent. I usually have to attach from the bottom. Easier to reach from underneath than to lean over the top.

I rig my lights up higher with carabiners. It still stays far enough away that it doesn’t touch the tent.