Rockwool germination

Hi, I need a little advice on how to germinate using rock wool. I’ve tried a few times with little success. Was hoping someone could tell me if I’m doing something wrong. First off, I soak my seed in a glass of water for 24 hours, and then I place it in the rock wool that has been soaked in 5.5 ph level water for 24 hours. I then place the cube in a propagator and just keep checking it. Last time I tried this, the seed popped, but was very sickly, and died within a few days. I just read on the website that I should use a tds meter and place some fertilizer in the water to start. The guy at the local grow shop here told me not to fertilize while germinating, so I was surprised to read this, but I want to try it this time. Should I put the fertilizer in the water that I’m soaking the rock wool in before the seed goes in it? If so, should I balance the ph of the water before or after the fertilizer goes in? And one last question…when the seedling is ready to be transplanted, can I place the rock wool right into soil? Thanks for any help you can provide!

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hi sounds to wet the seeds are rotting ,i never use fertilizer on a seedling or seed they have the nutrients in the seed to start them ,& yes you can put rockwool in to soil i do it all the time.

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I agree with Timmy.
Never put fertilizer with seedlings NEVER ok?
I soak my Rockwood in a gal of water and add one tsp of root stimulation, one tsp of hydrogen peroxide. When ready squeeze excess water from the Rockwood. Than place in your grow box.
And yes you can place the Rockwood in the soil.
Hope this helps.

B Safe

I don’t know if this will help but I soak them in water until they all sink as they sink I put them in a wet paper towel until the seed Cracks and taproot coming out and then I put in the rockwool cubes taproot face down

Cause you don’t want them in the water to long you will drown them

I soak my rockwool cube in warm water until I get the seeds out. I place seeds in rockwool, and usually within 2 days I have sprouts. I use Liquid Karma to keep them moist. Plain water will do until they develop some sort of roots. No nutrients or fertilizer until the plant has 4-5 true sets of leaves.

Hi I am a newbie to rockwool but have taken all the advice given on this blog I’ve had excellent results.
I’m growing outside (in Australia) and want to have a super grow in the sweet sunshine this summer. I germinated 13 seeds and all popped! a snail got one of my John Herer. The stalk is still there (was hoping maybe it would tip but I don’t think so now…anyhooooooo

What I need help with is the transplanting… Some how…maybe I was high on the lovely white widow I’ve finished or whatever but somehow I have 3 plants in 1 rockwool cube. The question is 2 fold:

  1. how do I get the 3 plants out without hurting them as their roots are tangled and
  2. I’ve got my pots ready for transplanting into a soil mixture - the seedlings have 2 sets of true leaves now - but when they get 6 little leaves, can I put them into the soil up to where the leaves start? or will this just rot the stalk?

Hi Janice,

Well you have quite the problem there…White Widow will do it every time…lol
Anyway, I myself I would soak the 3 plants stuck in the Rockwood in water with root stimulation mixture for about 1/2 an hour and very very gently pull the Rockwood apart. You should use a pair of tweezers make sure they are satirized with alcohol. Get as much of the Rockwood pulled away without pulling on the roots be so very gentle. Every now and then try wiggling and pulling very gently on the seedlings. If it don’t work just keep working on the Rockwood untill you break them apart. Have your soil wet with the solution mix place in soil water again.
Hope this helps sorry it’s so long but it is what it is…

B Safe

Thx garrigan6, good advice. will try that when ready to put in soil…
did you happen to read on to my item 2? (how deep can I plant new seedlings into the soil?)

Oh, I’m sorry Janice, I got caught up in the Rockwood dilemma…lol

You don’t have to go that deep …leave about 1 1/2 inches that would be fine.

B Safe

Thanks again for your help. I’m going to detangle in the morning. It’s now after 8pm here in the land of Aus. I’ll keep in touch and will post how it all goes.

I like the vib I get on this website and also ILGM customer support is fantastic. Clare responds to every email and I’ve got an order that she’d reshipped 3 times. Australian Border patrol can be a bitch!


Glad to help anytime I have a friend that lives there he is here also.
All the people that I know here are all good people. Been talking and exchanging info for over a year now. Lakewood and MacGyver are very knowledgeable people and they will help you where I can not.
See you around Janice and Welcome to our world…lol

B Safe

I know this is a pretty old thread, but I’m hoping someone could give me some help…

I have many seedlings and have just planted my rockwool cubes in soil. I was wondering if I have to continue to balance the ph of the water I am giving to my plants. I realize the pH of the rockwool is high and I was adjusting to about 5.5 - 6.0 while my seeds were germinating and sprouting, but I don’t know if I have to continue to do this after it is in the soil.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer

Hiya @jjf791 if the rock wool cube goes in soil, adjust the pH to 6.5 for watering and feeding.

Thanks so much for the reply! honestly wasn’t epecting anything on a 2 year old thread, let alone the same day I posted. thanks a lot for the help

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