Quick question regarding germination

Hey there ILGM users!
I just started germinating a couple seeds, I’m going to be placing them in some rockwool cubes. I’ve never used rockwool before. I just found out that I need to pre soak them for about 24 hours to level out the PH?
Question is, my seeds have already popped there shell a good bit. Would it be ok to leave them on paper towel for another 24 hours? Or is it imperative that I get them in something asap.
Here’s a pic of them currently! Thx all


Id seriously consider getting them where they need to be. They’re in their most fragile state right now. Just me tho. Happy growing!!! :v:


Hey man thanks for the reply! And I agree with that completely. But as I think about it a bit more I don’t think there’s much I can do. Rockwool is soaking, I just started them about an hour ago.
Think I’m gonna have to just take the chance


Yep! Sometimes that’s the best and only way to learn, for me anyway. :rofl: Been told I’m a little hard headed and stubborn. I’m sure they will be ok just be cautious at this stage. :+1:


Hell I think most of us are a bit stubborn at times anyways.
But yah I will for sure be extra careful when putting them in the Rockwool tomorrow.

Any other tips n tricks for rockwool?
I’ve heard people calling it Rotwool ha idk why tho. It doesn’t seem to contain any organics.

But from what I’ve gathered, ph the water to about 5.5 , soak cubes for 24 hours
Try to target about 6.0, insert seeds n so on.
Any need to add nutes or bennies?
I never have using rapid rooters, but few things I’ve read it’s suggested? Idk


Im not experienced with rockwool but im sure someone that is will be along shortly and can tell you more than you can imagine all about them.


I would just put them in soil if they were mine. I have only used rockwool for cloning.


Straight into soil would be your best bet. There ready to go.


@4204life @Dexterado thanks guys! I run a full RDWC system, so no soil. Going to toss them in the cubes as soon as I get off work. I checked them this morning and that root is probably sticking out about an inch now. Sure hope they’re still good

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The size of the Rockwool cube makes a difference in results for me. I use 1.5" and even cut them down more lots of times. Biggest problem is overwatering imo. I like to monitor them closely and adjust as necessary.

If using a smaller cube like above, I’d suggest slicing the cube down the middle on one side and opening it up like a Subway sandwich, then laying the root inside, instead of trying to shove that big tap down a hole in it. Before cutting it open though, I found it better to bore a good sized hole for it to lay in, so it doesn’t get crushed, and to give it more air, since it’s coming straight from an open-air environment.

A pic probably makes more sense. I do this a lot and have good luck with it. I just use scissors.


Hey man! Thanks for the reply, your advise helped a lot. I believe I managed to save them. And cutting the Rockwool was perfect to get those long suckers in there.


Yeh that would’ve been a pain poking those long tails down in there!
Looks good!
Just be careful when they’re rooted, that you don’t pull the cube apart at the split and tear the roots growing through it. Like when transplanting or something.

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Oh man another good point , thanks for that.
After I got them in the rockwool earlier I did try to mold it closed a bit. Didn’t squeeze much or anything to damage it.
I’ll definitely keep that in mind when I’m moving them into the rdwc system :+1::raised_hands:

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I typically just smooth over some fibers on top over the hole, just to keep the roots in the dark.

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Nice, I soaked an extra cube. Once they break thru the top of the rockwool I’ll do a cover up :+1:

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How long from the seeds starting to sell and split to the root really getting going were yours? I’m waiting on my first seeds’ roots to really start growing.

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Aye, I’m not entirely sure what your asking but usually once they germinate and I place them in whatever medium I’m using, the roots start to take off pretty quick.
Usually 2 days or so and the root is already coming out of the bottom :+1: