Reveg after harvest?

This is a bag seed in a crap container so I do think I will prepare a proper home for it and cut the pot off of it as to transplant as gently as possible into fresh soil with plenty of room for roots to spread and proceed to harvest.
It really is a little spindly thing with alot of the nugs completely upside down with their tiny little stem bent over :joy:.
But there is some decent limbs and it’s been a real trooper so I believe it will work out.

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How you do it now?

LOL, I’m transitioning back into growing after some time away from growing. Getting closer to retirement and no more drug screens for work. :+1:
I used to grow outside for small random grows and inside I used a 400w HPS, still have it, but recently bought a HLG-350R. Picking up odds and ends along the way.

Anyway, I used to use the propogation trays with the snap on lids, but if I was doing it now, I would consider upgrading to something like an Aeroponic Cloning setup like they sell on Amazon.


I just got said propagation kit and a 4 pot 5gal spring pot kit.
I got a few bubble buckets as well if I need more.
But I figure germ/clone in rock wool, from there I can go into a spring pot with coco or into a bubble bucket.
I believe this method should be pretty easy to maintain… I can not continue to grow it soil and work full-time :sleepy:


You can even go into soil if you use rockwool. It’s really my universal medium. Mostly I can leave clones and seedlings in rockwool in a solo cup for a while without dealing with them
So they suit my “I’ll get to it tomorrow” attitude. :rofl:


Little up date on the reveg.
It is absolute :fire:
The nug I took the day I started this thread was dry this morning so I gave it it go and it’s a score :muscle::tada::grin:
Pictures don’t do it justice but it’s so many colors.
Out side is black the deeper in the nug it goes from black to purple then almost red in the very center mixed with 2 shades of green and bright orange hairs :star_struck:

I tried to leave a good bit on her so hopefully she’s happy.



Much faster and more potent than the first harvest huh ? If you ever want 3 harvest in one year that’s the trick !


So this is just the first harvest. I’m hoping to reveg and then take clones from it to grow out.
Hopefully I’ll have some in auto pots in the near future :grin:

But say multiple harvest can increases potency?
That is good info my freind thank you :blush:


@1HappyPappy most definitely , about the 5th to the 8th generation of cloning is when you will start to get that full 19% - 26% THC potency !


She’s got some new growth starting :grin:
I believe it’s a keeper…


You reverting right , now the fist few new sets of foliage will be twisties and funky looking , that’s normal cause the rootzone takes 25 days to revert completely from bloom phase back to veg , once the normal foliage comes out normal , juice them up with a light 3-2-1 and they should take off like a melaton vine !


Revegging can help you produce bushes. Here’s two of my White Widow reveg.


@1HappyPappy how is your project coming along?
Inquiring minds want to know :joy:


I took a clone of a plant in flower, looked just like that plant.
I was impressed as well.
I reveged the clone.
And now have a few clones of it.


:rofl::joy::rofl:yup…my first one…I thought wow…it’s turned into lettuce…leaves are funky


Doing good actually, thank you for asking.
I moved it into the corner of my big tent a few days after transplanting it, that was 2 days ago.
I was taking some gold Leaf clones that day and I took the biggest little regrowth just see what happens from the reveg.


So reveg is looking good, getting bushy.


It will be a monster, give it 2 more weeks unless you vegging it out bigger , are you can flip it and it will vine out crazy budding flowers like crazy . Nice job Sir !

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I put one of my reveg bushes into flower about a month ago. I’m using her for my feminized seed project.


Thank you my freind :blush:
I think where it’s so many branches I’m veg it slowly till the my gold Leaf clones are done that’s only couple weeks in veg, but I may flower it if it starts to get to big on me.
Honestly idk what I’m going do till I get more room.
I’m hoping by June or July I’ll have my 4x6 stuffed full of it :grin: