Reveg (accidental flower)

Things seem to be moving along smoothly. Was just wondering if anyones ever noticed their calyx’ seeming to “double up” in reveg, wasnt sure if this was normal or a sign of herming.

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Looks like a normal re veg to me she may get stuck looking like this tho and may not chance up much once they grt stuck in a re veg cycle it can be difficult to get them looking the same again without a prolonged veg time to where they start throwing out full sets of leafs


Okay cool, im not expecting to havest till late September. Id assume thats plenty of time to come back around.


Hopefully she pulls out of it for ya and straightens herself out


If you cut it back to just a few nodes it will reveg properly. Then make keif or edibles off of the early flower mess.

Those big roots will push new tops quickly. With the flower hormones removed the plant will know exactly what to do. Veg like crazy. Do one if you do t believe me as an experiment; leave the rest as a control. I have done this a bunch and it is the best way to roll. Promise I am not telling you what to do, just a humble outdoor grower suggestion.

This is @DEEPDIVERDAVE ’s plant. He gifted me. It is perfectly cut for a reveg. It’s the floral one hiding behind the first pot.

Since you are all ready reveg, it will grow up fine. Problem is fhe spring flower mess is too dense. It will be a mold problem for you as the plant grows. Even mold resistant strains have issues w this.

Hack it, you will thank me later. Ha


Yea, ive seen that being the way to intentionally reveg a plant, im just super chicken shit when it comes to cutting any part let alone 90 percent of the plant before its ready. Ive never even pruned a plant unless the leaf was dead which doenst happen too often. Ive heard cutting all the buds off will help it to flip so im considering doing that to one of em. Unsure what to do with the little one.

Try it.
Learning requires trying something new, I am told.

Bag with "orange " tie wrap on handle is ILGM MW from 11/1/2023.
Bag in front, of MW reveger, May have two seedlings and a reveger?

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Why is this plant revegging? Is it intentional? If so, shes well on her way.

I reveg all the time, but it isn’t a fast process…at all…it usually takes forever…regardless of the size of the root ball.

The new growth will be pure insanity until one day it looks normal again. I don’t reflower my revegged plants either…i use them as clone mothers only. Personally, I’ve found the yield diminishes significantly on each reveg/reflower…so does resin production and potency. Clones seem to be dang solid tho!

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I put em in the ground like 2 weeks too early, they had outgrown their pots and i didnt want to transplant twice.

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Cutting some leaves will slow growth.
Not that I would recommend cutting.
Transplanting twice will slow growth, too.

Outside, Too early 2022
Couldn’t 2023 (gone)
2024 warm outside, now.

Each year or grow is different.
So much to learn, so little time.


Welp… had a huge storm this morning and came out to see half of her branches weighed down so bad they were touching the ground… so i cut em off. Im Considering cutting the main stem as well and seeing if she’ll come back as intended. Pretty much what a couple of you guys suggested.

A closer look at one of the buds

@CHRONIC81994 I’m in the same situation as you with four strains that I got outside too early. I think I’m going to follow @noddykitty1 suggestion and cut three feet off all of mine.

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Sure, the one on the left front, but the other 3, I would just clip out the small bud formations and top the main cola just below the cages. Yours are not as far flowering. See how your middles are still open except the front left? That’s the main problem, even if it reveged no problem with flowers. Those thick middles always get powdery mildew like crazy or worse botrytis.

Just remove the floral clusters (budlets I like to say) by clipping the stem ends back to the next node. If it’s small enough just pinch it off with your fingers like you would bolting basil or spinach.

Also, a reveged plant after the chop will over reveg. What I mean is it will very often sucker like crazy a bunch of new vertical shoots. Just like a crab apple tree at the ground. You want to select 1,3,5,7 tops to be your main scaffolding. How ever may you want for the size plant you envision. Clip out all the other suckers or clone them. You sometimes get 50 new shoots no joke. Too many for one reasonable sized plant.

I do also enjoy using tomato cages to shape the plant. When all the shoots come along, you can train them to the outside of your cage from a lower point. Then your middles are open for good air flow. It minimizes your mold exposure and they are evenly spaced braches tied to the outside of the cage with an open middle. Five branches is a good spacing to have enough room for fat buds to fill in. Hope this makes sense.

This was a reveged plant. I had to cut out probably 50 suckers. This is what I left on. See how I ran them outside the cage.


Yea, friggin sucks… id like to see what it looks like when you chop it.

@noddykitty1 hows this? Think its necessary to chop that bud at the top?

Yep, I would. Your timing is perfect. It is the ideal time before the solstice. Plenty of time for recovery and growth. I would pinch off the lower floral clusters too. Don’t blast it with nutes, just let it be.

This only works when it is done before the summer solstice.

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Done, and okay its a semi-organic bed the only nutrients i give it personally are store bought compost and kitchen scraps, mainly coffee grounds, eggshell fertilizer during veg, and sweet potato water during flower.

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What is the best way to clone .