Repotted Saturday

That plant is BEAUTIFUL!

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Omg! Stunning. Halfcof a plant like that would be great, for me anyway…

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Im in awe. Now I keep staring at that picture! Just WOW!

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Thats a TREE

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You ain’t seen nothing. I’ve had autoflowers do 12 oz

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I tell you anyone can say what they want I believe the reason I grow such big plants is because of the advanced nutrient products that I use. To me it’s by far the best nutrients on the market.

It takes 50% less nutrients as well


12 ounces? Seriously?!
Well, youve done something to my plant already! Its growing new leafs from node # 2. All because of the light adjustment. I want you to see it but I’m using my tablet now and cant figure out how to attach a photo. All of my pics were attached using my phone. Ill figure it out.
It shocked me actually.

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Do you see that new growth???
I’m over the moon!

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Well maybe node 3

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That’s your fault, lol.

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LOL like a kid in a candy store. Yes I had one do 12 oz I had another one to 11 oz all in the same grow. Sometimes I’ll get midgets as well and they’ll do 2 oz. My average regular plant I get anywhere from 5 to 7 oz

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What kind of tent are you buying?

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This is my latest grow journal from the current grow. You should check it out serious good information in there

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I will look at the journal shortly. My 15 month old dog is my other living thing that needs to go out every 5-6 hours.
I like the Spider Farmer and AC Infinity. Ill probably end up with a VivoSun. I dont know for positive. My living space is 400 sq ft… I dont think i will ever do more than two plants. So, im narrowed down to a 3x3 or a 4x3. Any suggestions? What nutrients are you using? Magic Water??.

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Sorry to barge in a 3x3 gets crowed with 2 plants fast. I like spiderfarmer lights work well only one grow but pleased as punch.


As far as a tent goes I think the most affordable brand name. Vivoson. You know your space. I wouldn’t grow in anything but a 4x4

Some reason I always get monsters and you need at least a 4x4 to raise one. The short answer get the biggest thing you can get comfortably in your house. (Preferably a 4x4)

As I said above as far as nutrients go I say if you’re not using advanced nutrients are in my opinion the number one in the industry is what all the big growers use.

It’s not too bad if you’re considering using them it’s going to affect your grow like day and night. You can’t put Fox farm and advanced nutrients in the same category whatsoever. If you were interested I could show you what to buy it’s not that much and you won’t even have to check your pH anymore.

Not sure what magic water is never heard of that but I do use Ozzy Osbourne bottled holy water a 16 oz bottle every time I flush a plant. I idolize that man.

I know what you mean about dogs. I just lost mine a year ago. They were my two best friends in the entire world

Rest in peace Rocky and Baby Cha


Are the nutrients in your journal what you use currently? Your plants are and were beautiful, no doubt. Ive read most of your journal already. I saw a few red hearts that I had previously liked. You need to publish or better yet, start a new professional journal, peer reviewed of course. Youre a Master!

Barge in anytime @Bentstick !!!

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Stop apologizing your family :v:


Nah, I just get lucky.

Yes they are. You should definitely switch to advanced nutrients it will cost so less of a headache. It’s like day and night difference. However if your budgeting stick with your Fox farms

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