A customer has a question and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks.
“Hello. First time grower here. I’m looking to grow, and cultivate my own crop in my backyard…in pots, under a greenhouse. Love the reviews on your auto-flowers. I can comfortably grow 12 healthy plants in the space I have. What do you reccomend for me?”
I recommend you starting with a third of that number of plants for a first time grow.12 plants will be a full time job, with lots of expenses involved. Its not just throw some seeds in some pots and water every few days. Conditions have to met and constantly monitored.
How is your Crystal growing Sasquatch? I have had some discoloring in mine at times but able to seem to bring her back. She seems a little more tempermental than others.
just checking in, hope all is going well.
thx @LVMD
@LVMD Hows it going! Ive only had one issue with mine and to be honest I think I caused it. With that aside its been a hearty plant. Takes LST like a champ! Mine are at 13 weeks and 5 to 6 ft tall. I had 1 split where I had toped it last week but that was a wind issue
This was a last week pic of Crystal. Mine is about 5 1/2 ft now. she still seems to have a temper, losing a few leaves at times but more on the inside. I feel it is mainly the heat, she seems to be better off in a little cooler temp. We have had 100-120f for last couple of weeks. But even with that she is still growing, taller and wider. Heck I am just waiting for my autos to finish so I can make some room in my small space.
My temps are ranging from low 50s to upper 70s Mine have a darker green color. I do get the occasional inner leaf that turns yellow. but its usually just one leaf. The black pots are Crystal. The white ones are WW. All of the Crystal plants have some LST going on. Most of the branches are pulled down and tied off. Same with the WW. Pictures taken 2 days ago @LVMD how old are your plants?
Mine were started mid/end of March, actually started most them inside as night time was just a little too cold for them so I thought. This was my first grow taken seriously, all prior grow were more of seed toss outside in the midwest US. This year when we voted legal pot in NV, I observed the law as stated and decided to set up a small greenhouse, whcih because of where I live outside Las Vegas I am a distance outside of the restrictions placed by the law on growing within dispensary locations. So I am allowed to grow 6 plants per adult in my household. but I was concerned as I did want any kids tempted etc… I decided inside a small greenhouse was best to keep things discreet and keep them away from my dogs etc…
What I have learned over the period of this grow, I can start them a little later, actually been starting my autos right in their bucket FFOF and they start out fine that way, so I cut out the transplant step…I knew the summer would be brutal on them, so 1/2 of my greenhouse panels are fabricated steel frame with screen to allow more airflow. My watering system is a simple one, drip feeders, actually more so flow now days rather than drip, with 2 two port timers. this way I can fully control times but more importantly, I run a lawn/garden sprinkler first to run out the hot water in the pipes, then feed my gals or mister. My misting is also very simple, a basic 18 in fan running low with a 4 port mister tie strapped to the front, however I run it at/below bucket line, so it cools the air and ground or bottom and not misting the leaves. That has knocked 10-20 degrees off when heat is extreme. However, as predicted with 2+ weeks outside temps running at 110-120f time to pull out my shade screen I guess.
I wish I had them outside fully like yours, but again do not want the attention, not so much by adults, but do not want a kid hassle. I have a block wall all around my property,so kids or adults alike would have to climb over. Then they will greeted by my dogs, and for their sake hope I don’t wake up.
They look great Sasquatch, I think I see Sunflowers in the background. I did the same but had to move mine away, as I started noticing a black spot issue on a few leaves of my Crystal. When moved away the problem stopped. So it maybe nothing, but just thought I would share that with you.
Mark - LVMD
@LVMD that’s a nice set up you got. The extreme temps are crazy! I wish growing was legal here! I planted a big flower garden to kind of camouflage my plants and the ol lady is happy. When UPS delivers they aren’t noticeable from the drive. I’m in a rather secluded area of western NC. I only have 1 neighbor past my place and they are here only a few days every 2 or 3 months. They know I grow but he’s a almost 80 yr old metal head and just stopped smoking himself a couple years ago and his wife is a pot head since the 60s and still is!!!. No one else comes back here . I’m surrounded by trees and mountains. My biggest problem is keeping a handle on my pH. I’m on well water and with every rain the ph changes. I’m thinking our plants are about the same age. Mine will be 14 wks Monday. There aren’t many growing this strain. So good luck with your grow!
We have the opposite problem on the west coast. Here I have to deal with coastal fog and wind and chilly conditions. I had to deal with one case of bud rot in the spring for example. July and the high yesterday was 66°.
I understand I lived by Monterey for years, could not stand it, fog goes out and comes in. summer did not feel like summer. Between that and taxes made me move.
So summer has been brutal, we had over a month of 110-120f s June July. Aug, then the humidity came, go ole AZ monsoon time. Still in low 100s and sticky, but the girls have been alright. Grow like weeds so to say. I actually had to raise the greenhouse to give em a little more room. The main pics are end of July begin of Aug, as you can see got crowded in there. the last is pretty recent around a week or so ago, now that light started changing they are have started flower stage, So I juice them up once a week with my Tiger Bloom and they seem to love it. Crystal is in front, she is the tempermental one of them all but she is fine. Budding the fastest is Trainwreck, that’s the budding pic. A little shorter than rest, but considering they are fighting for space in my small house it is ok, Even when outside cooking hot, the temp I have going inside in kept pretty much in check, even at 120 it only hits 100 inside. So the low 100s it runs around 90-95f. Hope you grows are going well.
Yes they were Nug, all in jars now. I actually had to bump up height of greenhouse before year end because 3 out 4 of big girls exceeded my 8.5 ft. So I bumped it all up to 9.5 ft and they were fine.
Unbelievable harvest for a newbe I would guess. My brother who has grown for several years was amazed. And potency from a seasoned smoker, is just perfect. Because I grew auto along side big girls throughout the season, I have multiple brands, tastes, and different levels of buzz. a very fun learning process for me this year. I am going to modify my greenhouse some for next year season, and intend to put up a scrog section, so any advice on a scrog grower book, I am interested.
Hope all went well with your grow.