Ready to Harvest? What do you think?

Am so confused about where I’m at with these plants. They are Rhino Ryder Autos. This is my first grow and admittedly I shocked these plants pretty hard in their early life - outdoor grow out of season, bad winds, moving them inside and out a lot to avoid wind/rain, etc. But I was very diligent with my watering - didn’t overwater, very careful with PH and Nutes and the plants always looked healthy.

But this is now WEEK 18 with these plants. I’ve attached photos. Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!


My eye sight isn’t what it used to be (and that’s only 1 year ago). I’m not seeing any amber and
you definitely want a splash of amber trichs on the buds themselves for it to be ripe and ready
for the curing process. But that’s just me and my preference. You might have better photos
and see way more than I can see from here,

You got the power bro-chacho, It’s gotta be your call.

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For some reason it always feels right to say 3 to 4 weeks , let them colas fill up more

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Still Lots of white pistil hairs, I’d wait let her fatten up a bit. Check trichomes once most of the hairs are brown.

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I agree few more weeks

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