Please help with Harvesting🤙

Hey peeps, i’m really nervous i know its not time to harvest yet, but i have been reading and watching youtube videos and im still nervous of getting it wrong i know how to get the pics of the trichomes just can’t get it clear enough to see them, im using my phone on the setting macro plus a magnified clips at (fish eye lens 180°) and (0.67xwide macro) from (pot for not sure if there even ready to take a pic of them yet please help lol…


Plenty of time by the looks of the white hairs. You can get a cheap USB/wifi microscope on Amazon for like 20sonething bucks.


I’ve learned over the years that they’re not close to ready until the pistils are mostly red and retracted in. You still have quite a ways to go yet, but nice looking bud.


Ways to go. Before these loups were common we harvested according to pistil color. If all browned out was considered done. Now we are technical but old ways still work.


Thanks peeps i do feel better lol, yes she’s a gg4 autoflower i am growing her outside she’s at 65days from seed so im quessing she has 3 to 5 weeks left before she’s ready i guess this is my first grow ever! So far so good🤙


Probably a few more weeks and those pistols should be looking the right color. And don’t worry about being scientifically precise, just get as close as you can. I’m growing six of those outside myself. They are 5 days old and very healthy. Can’t wait to see them looking like yours…in 60 days lol.

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I think you’d be right in 3-5wks. Probably closer to 5. Good luck and happy growing!


That’s awesome@LostKos, thanks bud happy growing to you also. Thanks for all the feed back peeps, im really ok until i puff a dab then i start over thinking everything and then the brain starts coming up with a bunch of inventions LoL​:call_me_hand::call_me_hand:

Closer to 5 at least. Gg4 was my main medical strain till recent switch. Can probably go 7 as gg will fill out a bunch.

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Calm down, sit back. You have time to watch them grow.


I am totally stoked with (ILGM) seed bank! Here is a update on Willow gg4 autoflower at 66days from seed outside growing



It’s an autoflower already at 66 days from seed. That’s over 9 weeks. What is the seed to harvest time frame for the GG4?

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Hey@Bubbagump211 seed to harvest time for gg4 autoflower 10 to 14 weeks from what im have been reading its more on the 14 weeks because one she’s a gg4 and two she’s growing outside, i guess🤷‍♂️ newbie here lol…

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Varied per plant, breeder timelines are at best a guide. Seen autos go for over 100 days b4.

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Yes i believe my Willow will come close to 100 days…