Has flower stage started

I’ve got a GG4 autoflower at week 6 and am trying to determine day 1 of flower. I think it’s got about 4 to 6 days to go, there are white pistols but no buttons. This is my third grow all with GG4 seeds, first one I chopped at day 98 from seed and it had about 5% amber, it was good stuff. Second grow I wanted to try for more amber so I waited all the way to day 135 from seed and it still only had about 10% amber on some of the buds so I chopped it and it’s kinda sleepy weed. So I’ve done a lot of reading and seems many people harvest GG4 by time not trichomes, more specifically 63 to 70 days from start of flower, seems awfully specific but I’m gonna try it, so I need to know exactly when day 1 of flower is.

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Flowering starts when pistils appear at the tips of the plant.

You can’t really determine the maturity of flower by counting days from seed for an auto. Days from the start of flowering is the relevant metric, as autos can flower at any time between 3 and 12 weeks. Cannabis flower is generally ripe for harvest at between 8 and 10 weeks from the start of flowering.


This one is (approximately) day 1 of flower in my way of thinking.

It is White Widow auto.

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As soon as I see pistils I call that day 1 of flowering. At that point I do a sort of transition blend of nutes for a few days then go to flowering nutes.


What’s up hmgrwn. i have 2 white widow auto’s the one in the front i kinda lost track of her flower time. i think she is around 4 weeks into flower. If you could please help me with this it would be much appreciated thank you.

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Can anyone help me please :pray:


Trichs my friend. That was my main medical a couple years. Gg is very potent and if go amber super sedative. My rule of thumb was 90/10-100% cloudy clear to smoke for fun. 10% amber for pain and sleep. Up to 20% amber for my edibles. Not all strains need a lot of amber. Just my experience with it. My medical friends help dial this stuff in for where we want it.

So I’m assuming those are white pistols in the center of the plant and it would in fact be in flower stage

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I was having a really hard time judging by the trichomes, I was only getting a little amber and more than half the buds had no amber at all so I let it go too long thinking it would amber up and it never did, then even the buds with no amber have too much couch lock, think I’ll chop this one when I first see amber on the higher up buds

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Yea gg is no joke. Hard to use it as a party high. It can go long also. Get big ol flowers.

I think ur in preflower

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Whatcha need Growmie :love_you_gesture:

Agree with that. Probably as many as 5 weeks remaining. She is looking nice and fat too. :white_check_mark:

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