Read about the placement of thermometer

Hey guys, I’ve been struggling with the temperature being too high but had it out in the open between my two girls in direct light and it Always fluctuated A Lot. I was going back and forth All day with opening the window Up and Down, turning the fan from low to high… All Day Long UNTIL I read to put the thermometer in the Shade. Now I’m Not running back and forth because the temperature is Great! Am I doing right???

I go with canopy temp but to each their own.

I’m also the guy who has 6 other readings from throughout the room then take the estimated temp / rh from there.

Your supposed to do something like take a dry bulb and wet bulb temp… I don’t do wet bulbs

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Not sure if my way is correct, but there are magnets on the back of mine and i just place it on the poles on the corner holding up the tent at canopy level.

Me too, that’s the important one.


Canopy temp.

I have 2 i use but the main one usually goes mid way between plant and light then i move the other one around in different spots

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